Cooper has been spitting up a lot. Sometimes it is what he just ate, while he is eating, and sometimes it is after and a little digested.
He also gets really fussy during some of his feeds- usually in the evening. He screams while he is trying to eat, and gets really frantic. He calms down if I hold him against me, but still roots. Breastfeeding helped the other day, but yesterday he wanted nothing to do with it.
Overnight, he is fine. He eats and burps really well, and I hold him for about 30 mins after, and he goes right to bed- no spit up or fussing.
I'm asking the pediatrician about all this tomorrow, but I wanted opinions anyways. Any suggestions on how to help him out are appreciated! TIA!
Re: Does this sound like reflux?
Ugh. Did anything help it? What will the pediatrician do? I feel so bad when he screams, it's like he is in pain, and I can't really do anything except hold him...