Does anyone know if all rice cereal has milk protein in it? I was told to look for a vegan cereal but I have no idea where I would get that...
I have a list of ingredients to look for but am a little overwhelmed are there any common infant foods that have milk protein?
They believe LO has a milk protein allergy and reflux so we put cereal in his formula to keep it down but I want to make sure we are not giving him something that would upset the milk allergy...
Re: Anyone's LO have a Milk Protein Allergy?
Thank you so much! I would hate to give him all this expensive formula and then give him something with milk hidden it!!! I feel like this is going to be a long food journey.
Were you told to avoid any of the baby foods due to the allergy? ?
Both of my kids had/have milk protein allergies. I BF, so I eat dairy free. I've done it twice now, and it is not really that hard. Most foods are really well labeled now. If not, you just have to read the ingredients and avoid giving your LO anything with milk/butter/cream as well as whey or caesin (the proteins). Nondairy does NOT mean dairy-free. Just do a little research into what to look for on labels. Most baby food (at least stage 1, which is just veggies/fruit) is dairy free until you get to the combo stuff. I never did the meats or "meals" of purees. I just went straight to table foods, which I can control how things are prepared.
For formula, Nutramagin and Alametrium (sp?) are the main ones, and if those don't work you can use Neocate. GL!
ETA: Happy Baby rice cereal at BRU is dairy free, as is Earth's Best and Beechnut. Only Gerber has the milk in my experience.
We are onto neocate and he is finally gaining weight! We are so excited, everyone always asks if he is a premie.
I went to the store tonight and got Beechnut rice cereal. ?Thanks for all the advice.?
We use Beechnut too...and I learned to read the labels of everything. Carefully. Check this site out for a good list of ingredients to avoid.
Something to keep in mind once your LO is transitioning to milk...try goat milk. The proteins are similar to those of breastmilk and much easier for their little tummies to break down. Josh has been on goats milk for nearly a year (we had to try 3 different brands/dairies to find the one that worked for him) now and he loves it. It's got more nutrition than rice or soy milk and you can use it in cooking too. Good luck!