South Florida Babies

Cute story :)

Let me preface this by saying 1) we are NOT pg and 2) we've started to talk about #2.

Yesterday we're eating breakfast. We were talking about the benefits of having a second child. So DH turn to DS and asks him, "L, do you want a brother or a sister?"

L replies with a big grin, "Yes!"

So I ask him, "Ok, but do you want a brother or a sister?" I place each hand out for each option.

He looks at me, cocks his head to the side as if thinking, and replies, "Sister!" (actually, it sounded more like shishter).

DH and I start cracking up. Then, I tell L, "Well, you know that a little sister is going to want to meet all your friends when you're older."

L wrinkles his nose and forehead and says, "Oh, no!"

LMAO. I don't even know if he knew what that meant, but we found it hilarious! We were cracking up all morning with that story. 

Re: Cute story :)

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