
Mom's of girl's with beautiful hair...question...

My DD's hair has been looking so ratty and stringy lately.  She was very bald as a baby and her hair grew in very slowly but with beautiful curls.  Now she is almost 4...has had 2 haircuts loosing her curls...and the longer her hair gets, the rattier it looks even though it's barely below her shoulders.  I knew the curls wouldn't last...nobody in my or DH's family has natural curls...and I know the shorter I keep her hair, the healthier it will look.  I think I need rec's for a good shampoo/conditioner.

So, what kind of shampoo do you use?  Do you use conditioner or detangler?  And how often do you wash her hair?  Any other tips on keeping her hair healthy & beautiful?  TIA!

Re: Mom's of girl's with beautiful hair...question...

  • I wash DD's hair with Pantene. Honestly, if her is looking ratty as you say, then I say trim it.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • My sis has serious ringlets and if you want the curls, you need to keep it trimmed or it'll turn into a frizzed out half limp weird 'fro.  You don't have to keep it short - just keep the ends healthy or they knot up.

    This is what my sis does -  use conditioner, and comb it out with the conditioner in it, then rinse.  Towel dry as gently as you can, spray it w/detangler and comb it out once more and then leave it.  No brush, no hairdryer.  I think she washes every other day.

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  • My dd has fairly thin/fine curly hair.  I get it trimmed every 6 weeks.  If I don't it starts to look awful.  I use Sexy Hair Organics shampoo and Leave-in conditioner.  It is paraben free.  The Leave-in condition is what really makes a difference, imo. 

  • I should add, to get her curls looking nice in the morning after she has slept on it all night, I comb out the tangles, then spray it with water and add a tiny bit of the leave-in conditioner to it.  Then just kind of scrunch and let it air dry.
  • I still use the Johnson and Johnson's Soothing Naturals Hair and body wash for her hair and add a little conditioner to it at the same time.  It works well for us and she has beautiful hair and curls.  I have trimmed her hair once and i wash it everyday. 

    I also do not use hairspray or gel unless necessary, like when I want her curls to stay pretty for pictures.  Other than that, I just brush it every morning and night and let it air dry. 

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers imageimage
  • DD has curly hair....only at the bottom and it is pretty long.  We wash with Ouidad KRLY for kids.  And, then we use the matching leave in conditioner.  In the a.m., we sometimes spray it with water, brush it and then spray it with curly spray and scrunch it.
  • I use the same thing on her hair that I use on mine. So right now, I am using Loreal Everpure on it.
    photos by jennied photography

    Alissa Jean

  • My DD has sup-a curly hair...that looks just like mine.  It's so tight that she hasn't needed a haircut yet.  When it is wet, it is just past her shoulders.  When it it is dry...see my sig. picture.

    I use J&J tear free shampoo for curly hair on her and a dab of my conditioner (Tresseme).  In the mornings, I soak it down with detangler and then gently brush it.

    My hair, on the other hand, is never brushed.  The only thing I own for my hair is shampoo, conditioner, and curl lotion.  No blow dryers, flat irons...nothing.
  • My older dd lost her baby curls around 2.5. My younger one still has them, but I expect she'll lose them at the same time. (Once they were cut off they never came back).

    My older dd has fine hair and it looks stringy if it gets too long. I keep it in a cute bob. It looks adorable, IMO. I don't understand why so many parents keep their dd's hair so long (not you, just in general)


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