
Scarlet Fever.. poor DD

DD has been spiking a fever only at night and the last two nights it has been 102.9 and then gave her motrin and it went down and she was fine all day and this morning she woke up at 6 am with 103.9 and gave her motrin and same thing she was ok.  She developed a rash and her cough has gotten worse so we took her in and she has Scarlet Fever!  When he told me, I was thinking wasnt that from the 1800s! She also has fluid on both of her ears. He said the rash will continue to spread all over her body poor DD.  She is in good spirits though.  Anyone elses DC have this before? How long did it take them to fully recover. She also had a febrial seizure when she was 1 1/2 so I am paranoid abou that happening again.  TIA

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Re: Scarlet Fever.. poor DD

  • oh no!  poor kid!  A coworker had Scarlett Fever a couple of years ago-I think she said it comes from the same virus as strep?  She was super sick, though.  Hope your DD gets better soon!
    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • I had Scarlett Fever as a toddler.  I had febrile seizures during the process.  I don't know how long it took me to recover, but I'm fine.  :)

    I hope she feels better soon!
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  • imageKateB1984:

    DS had scarlet fever at 13 months. Poor kid was so sick. Apparently that was really young to get it. It is a strep infection. I was really happy he got it while still BFing because he wouldn't eat for about 4 days. He just nursed and cuddled.

    Super strange reading the Velveteen Rabbit now. Hope your DD is better soon!!

    Is the Velveteen Rabbit about the Scarlet fever? 

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