Upstate NY Babies

baby size and position?

When should baby turn? How did you know that LO was in the right position for birth? Did you get a growth scan to tell the size of the baby or is this something that the doctor just guesses at? When will they start determining size?
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Re: baby size and position?

  • Hey there!  They did a groth/position scan for me at my 32 week appointment.  Plus the could sort of also tell both position and size just by feeling him via my belly with their hands.  And both methods were right on for both size and position!


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  • I had an ultrasound at 36 weeks - but my OB did an internal and said she felt something other than a head. I knew there was some body part up really high since 29 weeks...but it could have been the baby's butt. But now that I know it's her's quite obvious.

    I have heard that more often than not - an OB's guess as to how big the baby is - is usually off by at least a pound either way. So unless it is some official scan at the hospital...I wouldn't really count on it's accuracy.

    With Evan - my OB said he would be about 8.5 lbs when I was 38 weeks...he ended up being 8 on the dot - so she was pretty close.

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  • My first baby didn't turn until 37 weeks.. I think they usually turn and the Dr wants to see them turned by 36 weeks (otherwise they kind of run out of space to flip).  The Dr felt my belly but I also could figure it out by the kicks.  Second baby flipped really early, but my whole pregnancy progressed so much faster the second time, which is normal.

    I got a growth scan at about 36 weeks, but only because I had complications with my first baby and they wanted to see how big my second DD was, although it can be pretty inaccurate (like a lb off).  That was the only growth scan I ever got, for either baby.

  • He was always really low- so when they started my internals they could feel the head. Before internals they just pressed around alot on my stomach and could tell. I had a growth US at 38wks where they estimated Justin at 7lbs 14oz. He was born 3 1/2 wks later at 9lbs 11 oz so based on what I've read about growth, I'd say they were pretty accurate.
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  • I had an ultrasound at 34 weeks to get measurements. It was after that that everything went haywire, but they did do another ultrasound the day I was induced/had c-section to determine how big he was before going forward.
  • I don't remember when she was head down, but it was pretty early.  I did not have any growth scans when I was further along- just the big u/s at 20 weeks, and then I had a quick ultrasound when I was in labor to check that baby was head down.

    My doctor could feel where she was located, so that's how we knew she was head down.  I could always figure it out too, because of how she stretched- I knew what were legs and what was her butt.  My doctor always estimated that she was pretty average in size, and his guess was she would be 7.5 pounds.  She came out 7lbs., 10oz., so it was a really good guess!

  • Is is too early or am I just not feeling things? I can't tell anything it just feels like big solid lumps in there. Kicks are definitely higher than they were but I still feel it low and in my butt if that makes sense. There are times I can't feel anything when I press on my belly.
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  • I had a fake growth scan at 24 weeks because we needed to confirm the gender.. She was already head down then.. Then I had a real growth scan at 31 weeks and I had Bio physical profile scans every week from 32 weeks on.. They checked her growth every 3 weeks... so 31, 34,and 37 weeks I think..
    Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
    m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
    Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
    Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
    baby growth
  • Meg - I always felt a lot of really low "kicks" with Eve, even after i knew she was head down. I think she liked to punch me. Only sometimes if she got her self scrunched up, I could tell where her butt was or there would be some kind of limb..I could never tell what.. if it was a heel, knee, elbow..
    Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
    m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
    Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
    Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
    baby growth
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