Yikes! I went for my usual Dr. appt yesterday and they gave me my first NST and noticed pretty regular contractions (BH with some "irritation" in between), but the ladies look great!
Then she decided to check for dilation (for the first time) and said I am 2cm dilated, possibly a bit more, but sadi she didn't want to "shake things up" too much. She laughed and said I'd probly go within the next two weeks (36 or 37w), and probably wouldn't make it to three weeks for my 38w scheduled C.
We are very excited, but I'm so nervous we'll have Christmas babies Anybody else nervous about that? Also, 2cm isn't a big deal right? I mean, that could go on for weeks right?
Re: 2cm and 2 weeks...hopefully.
It definitely could go on for a while! I'm someone who makes a lot of progress slowly without actually going into labor. (I was 4-5 cm for about 2 weeks and 80% effaced when I had an induction with my 2nd.) I've also been having really strong BH's for a while this time. At yesterday's NST I was having contractions every 6 mins.
As to your other question... I am really nervous about Christmas babies!! Of course I'll be so excited if they decide to come that day, it would just be hard to figure out how our boys would do Christmas with my parents because I also have young siblings still : )
Good luck!