So I had my blood test and first trimester ultrasound, and the doc says I have a 1 in 77 chance of having a baby with down syndrome. DH and I want to keep the baby no matter what, but refuse to do an amniocentesis because we don't want to risk miscarriage.
Have any of you been in my situation? Did you go on to the second set of blood testing to find out for sure if you the baby did have it? Would you want to find out for sure or wait until the baby is born to see if he/she does have it?
I let myself have one day to be an emotional wreck but now I have decided to be strong for my baby.
Re: Down Syndrome Testing
First I would say that I know people who have opted to have the amnio and who have not. If you want to be certain and prepare yourself, the risk of miscarriage is very small. I had an amnio and it was a very routine procedure and much less scary than I had expected. I would also note that 1 in 77 is still pretty small odds so it's pretty likely that your child will not have down syndrome.
There are several women who have babies with down syndrome on this board. Their children seem to be highly functioning and wonderful children. There are health problems that can be associated with down syndrome but many people with down syndrome live very rich lives.
Hi! I am normally a "lurker" on this board. I have a 3 month old son who has Down Syndrome. We had a positive AFP test which showed a 1 in 31 chance of our baby having DS. We also had an ultrasound which showed thickening of the neck. We always knew that we would keep our baby but decided to do the amnio just to be sure either way. I am so glad we did because it gave us sooo much time to become educated and prepared.
I wish the best of luck to you. If you have any questions please let me know. **HUGS** I know this is a really tough time for you.
BFP 3/9/12 Natural M/C 4/11/12
This EXACTLY!! Our odds were 1:5 and no markers on our level 2 ultrasound. We did do the amnio, and it was good for us to know before hand. I wouldn't trade her for anything!