I am slowly coming back to the world of the awake:) They were able to stop my PTL this weekend with magnesium sulfate, I was able to get in both rounds of steroid shots and am right now being weaned from the mag to start Nifedipine.
We met with the NICU dr yesterday to talk about what to expect if the babies come now/soon. It was a scary conversation but we feel better just being prepared.
At this point we are taking it hour by hour and waiting to see what happens over the next few days. Hopefully the contractions and bleeding are gone for good and I will just lazily hang out in this hospital bed for the next 6 or so weeks.
Thanks everyone for the kind words and support.
If anyone wants the scary details of the weekend I did update my blog (link in siggy).
Re: XP: Update
I'm glad things are looking OK, and I'm glad you're able to wean off the miserable mag!
I just started nifedipine 10 mg every 6 hours on thursday/friday for frequent contractions/fingertip dilation. I felt kind of crappy the first couple days...headaches, flushing, and feeling dizzy/muscles feeling weird, but the side effects are wearing off a bit the longer I'm on it.
*baby glue*