And it's really freaking me out. I've had two dreams, two nights in a row, that I'm going to die soon. Last night, a man in my dream told me I had 12 days left. It's really disturbing.
i had a weird dream like that last night too. in it I was exposed to massive amounts of radiation and was going around trying to find a doctor to save me. dreams like that DO totally freak you out!!!
I think they are from stress. try not to worry! {{hugs}}
Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10)
Doctor in training!
Re: I keep having dreams that I'm going to die...
i had a weird dream like that last night too.
in it I was exposed to massive amounts of radiation and was going around trying to find a doctor to save me. dreams like that DO totally freak you out!!!
I think they are from stress. try not to worry! {{hugs}}