Special Needs

Should I mention to my Pedi?

Hi Ladies...hope it's ok to post here...

 I don't have a SN child but I do have a question that I'd like to get a different opinion on.  My son is 8.5 months old (born two weeks early and he also had a floppy airway at birth).  The floppy airway has since seemed to correct itself as we don't hear the high pitced "sqeak" anymore.  He didn't seem to have any issues with that.  He also seems to be developing pretty on target in almost everything.  My question is for "speech".  I realize he's a little young for this to be a major concern but...he has NO constants yet.  He is very vocal with "ahhhhh" and "ooooohhh" and blows 5 million rasberries a day but he doesn't say anything like "dadadada" that it seems like most babies his age are.

Is this something I should mention at his appt?  I'm not sure of the "average" age for this but it's the only thing that doesn't seem to be "right on track" for him.

I really appreciate your thoughts on it...thanks!

Re: Should I mention to my Pedi?

  • Definitely mention it to your pedi.  My daughter is in EI for motor delays and this came up even at her evaluation at 5.5 months that she has no consonants.  She still doesn't at 8 months although she does make new sounds she wasn't making before.  I don't believe they would be able to do anything until 12-18 months but you should make your pedi aware so that you both are monitoring his progress and can catch a delay early if it exists.  But it's early yet to identify a delay so don't worry too much. 
  • My DS sounds just like yours. He didn't get a diagnosis of low tone until he was 4 months, but he has no consonants and needs PT to work on some of his gross motor delays. He is making more sounds than before, but no "mamamama" or "dadadada" or anything like that at all. The people that evaluated him for EI think that his mild low tone might be affecting the muscles of his mouth.?

    I would absolutely bring it up with the pedi. ?

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  • Runnergirl,

    Did your DS have other gross motor delays?  I haven't noticed any other delays so that's why I'm wondering if that's something I should look into?

    The other thing that has me thinking is that he's had quite a few ear infections so I wonder if that's a possible thing.

    Of course, my mother in law says my DH didn't babble and just started "talking" so she claims I'm overreacting...

    It's just hard to know what you should worry about :)



  • He is currently not delayed in gross motor but....

    He's not crawling and he's not moving into position to crawl "correctly". He tries to pull to stand but really pushes with his legs because his arms are too weak to pull. Once he gets up there, his arms do no work whatsoever. Finally, when he sits, he sits with a wide base and won't straighten his legs. When he straightens them, he topples over. He also can't put himself into a sitting position from laying down, which he should be able to do by now. His trunk and upper body have mildly low tone and the PT said that if we don't address it now, he'll fall way behind very soon.?

    DS has had his hearing checked and it's normal. You might look into that just to rule it out. ?

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  • Hi - I would definitely bring it up and possibly see if you can get an eval with Early Intervention. Only because my pedi was always so lax and constantly pacifying me that everything was gonna be ok. He was WRONG.

    I'd say trust your gut. I hear you on the family, MIL etc discouraging you and giving you examples "oh my kid didn't talk until he was 5 and he's a lawyer now"...that sounds like my family. They all thought I was crazy...turned out I was the ONLY ONE who knew something needed to be dealt with and unfortunately I was right.

    Early Intervention will point you in the right direction, possibly to a speech evaluation if needed. If he's ok, evals won't hurt him...and at least it'll give you a peace of mind.

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