
Feeding Twins Simultaneously

I am wondering if any of you can give me some advice on how to bottle feed my month old twins, at the same time.

My babies spent some time in the NICU before coming home and it allowed them to get on a schedule.  They eat at 9am, 1pm, 5pm, 9pm, 1am, 5am - repeat.  It has been so great.  Well my husband will be returning to work the week after Christmas and I will be on my own.  I am hoping to continue the schedule but, I am not sure how I am going to feed them and burp them both.

I appreciate your help in advance.


Re: Feeding Twins Simultaneously

  • I sit on the couch, with a boppy on each side of me (facing me), get them in position (making sure they're at an incline) and then I have both hands free to grab a bottle with ecah hand.

    Mid-feeding I stop to burp one (one handed) while I continue to feed the other, then I switch...



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  • I nanny for triplets (currently 18 months, been there since they were 6 weeks old) and i used to bottle feed all three of them at the same time. I think 2 would be fairly easy as long as they are good eaters. I sat indian style in the recliner or any chair with good arm rests would work. with their feet towards me I had one baby on each side and used my knees on the arm rests to prop their heads up. That left me with two hands free to feed them. Then for burping I would hold the baby on the right on my right forearm against my chest/shoulder and use my left hand to burp meanwhile feelding the baby on the left with my right hand... i hope that makes sense

    add a third baby placed diagonally across my lap and i was quite the juggling act, but ti worked...

    Boppies also work great... good luck and congrats on ur twins!

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  • i have done it a few ways...

    -sit on couch with boppies on each side of me - babies propped in boppies... bottle feed... give them both enough that when it's time to burp you can do one at a time and the other baby won't fuss too much b/c he's eaten enough.

    -sit on couch with boppy next to me - one baby "inside" of boppy and the other on the outer edge against the back of the couch - feed both... this is a little more comfortable than sitting with your arms spread out to both sides.

    Now what i do is bend one leg up - foot on the couch - and put one baby in the bent part of my leg - so he's propped up a bit - and have the other baby propped on the other side of me in the boppy.  They don't burp mid-bottle anymore, so it's a LOT easier- i burp them both at the end - usually one then the other- but sometimes at the same time- it's a real jugging act- but i manage to prop one against my leg and hold the other up against my shoulder.

    just play around with it- find what works for you.  It's a good skill to have - makes life a lot easier :)

  • we use two boppies too. one on each side either on the couch or on the floor. i stop though to burp, i havent mastered burping one hand :) 
  • imagelgurian:
    we use two boppies too. one on each side either on the couch or on the floor. i stop though to burp, i havent mastered burping one hand :) 

    This is what we did when ours were that little, too. Once they could do OK with their neck control in a bouncy seat, we used those instead.

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • My girls are just about the same age as your twins! I run into problems with this, too, but have found what works for me is to feed them both while they're each propped in a boppy. When one has to burp (wiggling and squealing in pain), I have to prop the other's bottle up for a sec while I burp her. It's not the most ideal situation, but it gets the job done.
  • imageRoseWhite:

    I sit on the couch, with a boppy on each side of me (facing me), get them in position (making sure they're at an incline) and then I have both hands free to grab a bottle with ecah hand.

    Mid-feeding I stop to burp one (one handed) while I continue to feed the other, then I switch...

    This is how I did it.

  • I plan to put them in their car seats when I want to bottle feed both at the same time. 
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