Baby Names

Same letter starting first and last name?

I was just wondering how people feel about have the same letter start the first and last name.  We like a lot of names with the same letter as our last name...but definitely don't rhyme.  I was trying to think of famous people examples...Ronald Reagan, Suzanne Somers, Courteney Cox, Jack these names bother or sound good/fine to you?  Thanks! 

Re: Same letter starting first and last name?

  • Personally, I wouldn't do it--I grew up with a name like this, and it always bothered me. Not that I hated my parents for giving me that name, but it's one reason I was happy to change my name when I got married.

    Now my last name starts with a vowel, and alliteration with a vowel isn't quite as bad, but I still don't think I'd pick an "E" first name because of the double initial issue.

    I have feeling I'm in the minority on this one, though Smile

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  • So, I think it depends on the letter and the number of syllables in both names.  More syllables would be better.  My married name and my first name although start with different letters but the same sounds (A vs E (eh)) and I HATE it.  If the letter is a vowel I wouldn't do it.  The famous names listed above sound fine.
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  • It doesn't bug me as long as the names aren't similar (John Johnson or Rick Richardson) or rhyming. If it's just the first letter it shouldn't stop you from using a name you love.
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  • It doesn't bother me as long as it doesn't rhyme.  My married name starts with the same letter as my first name and I don't have an issue with it.
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  • I think it totally depends on the name and how it sounds.  In some cases, I love it but it doesn't work for others.  I think generally if the first name has 2 or more syllables, it sounds good.
  • doesn't bother me at all.
  • We didn't do it because they all sounded weird to us.
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  • I avoided it, but it is just a pet peeve of mine - if other people do it, then fine.
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  • I think it depends on the name. I really do kind of like it so long as the two names work together well...and they usually sound pretty cool if they are during a football game (think Bobby Bowden, Tim Tebow, etc....ok, yeah, I'm from Florida! haha)
  • I think it sounds fine & doesn't bother me at all.
  • I grew up Emily (Em) E. and I didn't think it was a big deal at all. It could be a bit alliterative, but there were enough different sounds in my name to break it up a little.

    I wouldn't intentionally look for names that started with the same letter, but if my favorite name just happened to be one, that's fine.

  • imagesoon-to-beamrs:
    I think it totally depends on the name and how it sounds.  In some cases, I love it but it doesn't work for others.  I think generally if the first name has 2 or more syllables, it sounds good.


    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • My 1st & maiden names started with the same letter, as does my married name (all "S").  It's never bothered me.  My name doesn't rhyme & I don't have the same # of syllables in each name so it doesn't sound stupid. 
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  • As long as the names don't rhyme or sound the same like Harry Harrison, I think is would be fine.
    Live your life to the fullest, Laugh at the things that don't matter, Love with all you've got and more.
  • My first and (married) last name start with the same letter and our girl's name is also the same letter. Doesn't bother me a bit as long as it doesn't rhyme. :)
  • The examples you listed sound fine to me.  DS name is like that, and I really like how it sounds.
  • It really depends on the individual names - as long as they're not matchy at all I don't see a problem with it.
  • I think it depends on what your last name is. I know it definately does not work for my last name.
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  • I know a lot of people on this board don't like it, but I actually prefer it. I think those names can sound the best!
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  • My married name is pretty interesting now, especially if you combine it with my work title: I am Mrs. Meredith Mer., Marketing Manager. Talk about a mouthful... (3 syllable last name!) So I think that its okay to use double letters within reason. Watch the number of syllables, make sure it's not too matchy-matchy (they call me MerMer at work), and if you love it, use it!
  • Both DH and I were born with first and last names that start with the same letter (mine K, his E).  As long as it doesn't sound like two first names like PP said, I think it's fine.  I always liked it actually.  I felt it made mine a "strong" name, whatever that means.
  • imagemejumpmore1:
    I think it depends on the name. I really do kind of like it so long as the two names work together well...and they usually sound pretty cool if they are during a football game (think Bobby Bowden, Tim Tebow, etc....ok, yeah, I'm from Florida! haha)

    LOL this and so am I. 

  • My name was like this with my maiden name and I never thought about it until I came on this board. Seriously it's not a big deal at all. Go for it! 
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