Do you or your H have any weird "quirks" while getting it on?
The news from last night on the AOL homepage about the lady who was arrested for being too loud during the fornicating of her and her H got me thinking..
I guess if I were to have a quirk it would be that I can be rather loud...
My X used to say " oh honey, oh honey, oh honey," right before he did his biz. It was a huge turn off!
Re: TMI sex poll:
OOhhhh, that sounds a bit hot.
LOL @ lurking hookers! Uh....GUILTY here! I just got finished playing World of Warcraft with DH and was just popping in for a quick lurk before bed.
I am living in my mom's house, have a 1 year old cosleeping with me, and a husband who works stupid hours.
I am in the "what's sex?" camp.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
This would be my husbands reply right now
This would be my husbands reply right now
Add me to the what's sex camp.
I think the last time we had it, the air conditioning was on. And it was only hot in August.
Oh, and I know how your hubs deals with that! He must be one hurtin unit, LOL!