
Tag or Tag Jr?

DD is almost 3.5.  MIL got her the Tag with a bunch of books. The lady in the store recommended the regular Tag for us- I told her she was in nursery school, could write her name (not that that has anything to do with it, but just to give her an idea of my DD).... 

I just thought maybe she could grow with this one a bit more.  Thoughts?

Melanie ~Ava Grace 7.20.06 & Lila Jane 7.22.09~ m/c #3 6/18/08 image

Re: Tag or Tag Jr?

  • Tag.  She'd out grow the tag jr too quickly I think.  DD was 3.5 when she got her Tag (tag jr wasn't around then), and loved it!
  • I bought both (tag and tag jr) when that good deal was going on at target.  I plan on giving the tag to Logan and saving the tag jr for a gift.  From what I understand, you can use tag jr books with the regular tag.  I also thought she would outgrow the tag jr too quickly.  You cannot use tag books with the tag jr.
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