Florida Babies

Any good mommy and baby things to do around here?

So I'm a new SAHM looking for things to do with DS.  Anyone find anything great to do around here?  Alone or in groups?
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Re: Any good mommy and baby things to do around here?

  • Check the hospital you delivered at; a lot of them have a mommy & baby group.  I joined mine, made a lot of friends and still hang out with several of those mommies.  When your LO is a little older, Gymboree and Little Gym are fun.  Gymboree offers a free class so you can figure out what you want to take before committing.  There are also some indoor play areas, like Kidz Club.  Again, it will be better once your LO is a little older.

    I think there used to be a Bump group that got together, but they meet at the West Coast Nest forum.  Not sure if they're still active.

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