
rice cereal questions

We've been clear to begin rice cereal.  For our daughter it's being used for thickening due to reflux so we will use it with every bottle instead of simply thick.  For my son, we've been clear because his reflux is there as well.  But we'll probably only do it at nights because for some reason that's when it's worse.  Or should I give it at each bottle?  Does it add to weight gain instead of just formula?  Any info is greatly appreciated!  They are down to waking up only once a night, sometimes my son sleeps through the night.  Should I look forward to even better sleep from them?  They go down now between 7-8pm and wake up for a feeding between 1-3am, then up again for good around 7am, give or take a few minutes.

Re: rice cereal questions

  • We have been on an ounce of cereal for an ounce of formula since about 1month old. Used for reflux and weight gain. We aslo do this every bottle. At night DD reflux tends to be worse also. But the cereal and propping her up to eat and raising the head of the bed has helped alot.
  • Are you asking because you want to introduce solids into their diet, or because you want to help with reflux?

    I don't have experience with using rice cereal with reflux, but I can answer questions about introducing solids if that is what you are mainly asking about?


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  • my daughter's pulm just asked us to add it to expressed breastmilk in the bottles we give her (twice daily) to treat for reflux.

    she said it adds about 15 cals per bottle, and that we could expect her to go longer after that feed, as well as a change in her poo. (though formula fed babies already have different poo... so you may not experience that if you're already formula feeding.) 

  • imageSusan_KW:

    Are you asking because you want to introduce solids into their diet, or because you want to help with reflux?

    I don't have experience with using rice cereal with reflux, but I can answer questions about introducing solids if that is what you are mainly asking about?



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