Is there a booster seat that is rated for 1 year olds?
The douche bag manager at my local BRU tried to talk me into one for my 2 year old (I asked for a Marathon, they didn't have any and I guess he didn't want to lose business). He insisted Britax high back booster was for 1 year olds, I told him he needed to re-read the manual b/c I'd never heard of a booster for a under 4 year old.
So was I right or wrong?
Re: For the car seat experts
I'm pretty sure it was this one. Doesn't have an age/weight minimum in the description.
I'd say that's fine for a 1 yr old, I didn't read it very well just skimmed it.
If you're ok with having your 1 year old ff, then many of the 5 pt/booster combos are fine for 1 yr/20 lb and up. I'm pretty sure that our Nautilus is, although we didn't get it until Connor was 2.
If you're looking for an already ff 2 y/o, you may want to consider a booster/5 pt combo. These kind of seats often last until your dc no longer needs a carseat/booster.
Carseat shopping can be so confusing...good luck!
ETA: BTW, I checked the site, and it says that the weight min is 25 lb for that particular seat.
Initially, I would've agreed with you. But, now that I see the seat, yes, that is ok for a one year old, who is forward facing and at least 25 pounds. Those kinds of seats convert from a 5pt harness carseat to a high back booster, to a booster. Like the Graco Nautilus.
Thanks ladies.
My DD is still rear-facing, and she is just 25 lbs. So I really wouldn't feel comfortable with that.
Just to let you know, the Frontier (as per Britax website) is for a minimum age of 2 years old.