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Thanks...but don't get your hopes up, I thought I O'd on day 14 and we stopped doing it.
It would basically be a Hail Mary if I actually got KU'd, bc it was 3 days out - oh well, better luck next month!
I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so negative...I wouldn't give that kind of response to a friend, so I shouldn't think those negative thoughts about myself.
We pretty much got a Hail Mary the first time around (I got a BFP 2 weeks after we started trying) anything is possible, right?
Send those vibes, we'll see what happens!!
Re: **ShannaNChris**
Thanks...but don't get your hopes up, I thought I O'd on day 14 and we stopped doing it.
It would basically be a Hail Mary if I actually got KU'd, bc it was 3 days out - oh well, better luck next month!
I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so negative...I wouldn't give that kind of response to a friend, so I shouldn't think those negative thoughts about myself.
We pretty much got a Hail Mary the first time around (I got a BFP 2 weeks after we started trying) anything is possible, right?
Send those vibes, we'll see what happens!!