Everytime I have cd3 testing, my FSH creeps up. I am now officially high FSH. Arrrrgggh. Although, I am really not surprised. I figured something had to be going on with my short cycles and the failed, textbook perfect IUIs.
On a good note, I got my IVF protocol and there are no IM shots. Yay!
Re: Ugh!
Oh, there are shots, just none of the ones that have to go into the muscle. Good luck to you! It does seem like there are a lot us doing IVF cycles soon.
Hi, Holly.
I'm sorry about your FSH (the evil fish!!). But hey - no IM shots! Woot!
Good luck with IVF!
Good luck with your IVF! You are lucky not to have to deal with IM shots! That is the only thing I worry about.
As for FSH, it can go up and up but it can come down too. In a 9 month period, mine shot up 8+ and it wasn't low to begin with. Since then it has come down -3 which I attribute to regulated thyroid and weight loss.
I'm excited for you!
Ugh, I'm sorry.
What causes your FSH levels to fluctuate?
I don't know, but I have had it tested 3 times now, and each time it goes up a couple of points.