******I personally would have also loved to join the 'lushes', especially b/c I know Sallie prob. was prob putting her legs up on everything Sallie, I hope you know what I am referring to, otherwise, once again, I seem pathetic! ****
Are you talking about the stripper pole? Otherwise I am drawing a blank.......
Re: Reynah.....
LMFAO!!!!! I love that you can ask this question because that actually happened. At a nice restaurant.
HAHAHA I forgot about that!
Oh that stripper poll....
She'll show you her boobs if you want. She's always looking for an excuse to whip those bad boys out.
Dude, I will DD this thread if you don't stop.
I hate your face Jess!
Dude. Wasn't there an implied mooning this morning? You're just a closet exhibitionist.
Shhh, that was just for you D.
You have to be part white-trash for the candy to turn out right, so yeah mine is AWESOME.
Don't hate the player hate the game, yo.
The Mouse ~ 06.12.08 | The Froggy ~ 02.23.11
Oh, yes Ma'am.