DH found a new job a few short weeks after we moved (2 weeks after Carter was born...in fact...he was supposed to go to the interview at 10am the morning DS was born at 5:43am...needless to say he missed it)....anyways...he was hired through a temp agency - told he would get a couple raises in the first few months, then hired on full-time after 3 months. 5 months later, no raises and not hired full-time. BOO.
BUT - they just gave him a $300 Target gift card for Christmas!!! With building a new house, we weren't going to be able to afford gifts for each other this year...but he called me up to tell me about the gift card and tell me we can get gifts now (from Target). Of course...i'm the grinch who would rather save it for something we NEED or something once we move into the house, but its his bonus...so I can't really tell him that. I may try to convince him to use part of it towards Carter's gifts though...
Re: Something good from DHs horrible job...
The sucky part is...a handful of guys got pink slips instead of gift cards :-( I feel SO bad for them. Why do employers like to do this RIGHT before the holidays? And it doesn't even have anything to do with having to pay them for the holidays because they are temp workers - so unfortunately they are UNpaid days off.