I hate to post something that's such a downer, but I need to know if anyone else was in this situation and to hear some success stories if you were.
I had my first u/s at 6w1d and found out we're having twins. B was smaller than A, but not by much. 2nd u/s was today at 7w2d. B is now much smaller than A, but their heartbeats are close (162 and 173 with B the faster one).
After the u/s my RE told me that there was a 20% chance we'd lose Baby B in the next week or two, and we're just so upset at the possibility. I know it's not that uncommon, and there is an 80% chance it won't happen, but of course I'm still terrified.
Did anyone have the same warning about a vanishing twin in your first tri and still go on to deliver two healthy babies? I could use some words of enouragement.
Re: Worried about vanishing twin
i was never told i had a specific chance, but told that sometimes it happens - so not to be shocked if it did....
my boys always measured a few days apart- and were 2lbs apart at birth (totally healthy at 38w) - so i wouldn't worry too much -esp since you have seen the HBs for both and they are good.
there's nothing you can do to prevent it- so you just have to learn to deal with the worries- that are normal for all pregnancies- and only get worse when your babies are here! Lots of prayer is what helps me get through it!
Thank you, Goldie. You're right- it's just the start of a lifetime of worry Since I can't do anything else, I'll keep praying.
They are measuring 5 days off right now. My H thinks they only made a point of saying this to CYA, but of course he's still worried, too.
We found out we were having twins at 5 weeks and I worried about vanishing twin from week 5 until 12. I tried to tell myself that worrying doesn't help anything but it's hard to not worry. Try to focus on the fact that you were able to see both HBs.
Good luck.
Just have to think positive!
I too feel a little nervous and scared. My sono was at 8 1/2wks and that is when I found out twins. We heard both HB's and she said that baby b was about 2/3 days behind (also smaller).
I think with any pregnancy, being singleton or twins, the 1st trimester is one we all want to get past and feel safe.
ETA: I wasnt even told that (percentage) and if anything to no think like that at all and with strong hb's its a good sign.I always had one twin (girl) smaller than the other, they did warn me but it never happened!!!
Luke 6.12 lbs, Alexandra 5.15 lbs.
April 5th, 2007-Isabella and Robert. We miss you. Born at 22 weeks, 2 days.
We had a vanishing triplet at week 8 and I worried until week 12 that we would have a vanishing twin since one was a few days behind. I know it is hard not to worry, but it sounds like the heartbeats are great for both. GL!!
2 chem preg, 4 failed IUIs, 2 canc IVFs, 2 BFN IVFs, IVF #5 = BFP!!!
3/23 Beta #1 @ 17dpo = 913, Beta #2 @ 19dpo = 1724, Beta #3 @ 21 dpo = 3240
First u/s 3/29 @ 5 weeks 2 days - 3 sacs 6 weeks 3 days - 3 heartbeats 8 Weeks - Lost Baby C, Babies A and B going strong