2nd Trimester

Help w/middle name

I need some ideas ladies! My DH wants to name our little girl (if it's a girl) Evangeline Lucille. I told him we can use Evangeline, but I"m not sold on Lucille. Have any suggestions for middle names? I really like Lilly, but I don't want to name my child after some actress. DH got the name Evangeline from a song and Lucille from BB Kings guitar.

Re: Help w/middle name

  • image2bmrslove:
    I need some ideas ladies! My DH wants to name our little girl (if it's a girl) Evangeline Lucille. I told him we can use Evangeline, but I"m not sold on Lucille. Have any suggestions for middle names? I really like Lilly, but I don't want to name my child after some actress. DH got the name Evangeline from a song and Lucille from BB Kings guitar.

    Grace!! That will go well with Evangeline!!!

  • Love Grace! Will probably use it ourselves...

    Aerobaby: GO MIZZOU! I went there and used to live in COMO :)

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  • imagesjame1:

    Love Grace! Will probably use it ourselves...

    Aerobaby: GO MIZZOU! I went there and used to live in COMO :)

    Why did you move out of CoMo!? It's a nice place to live...I love it here.... 

  • Something short as Evangeline is a mouthful!

    Grace, Marie, Jade, Bella, Claire, Faith, Kate, Paige, Rose, Hope

  • I have a niece named Grace. 
  • Well I lived there for like 13 years but I'm originally from Texas. My whole family on both sides is down here as well. I do miss it though and my friends! We usually make a trip up about twice a year :) So you live there too?! How funny! I think you are too young for me to know you but I'm sure we have mutual friends! COMO is such a "small" town!
  • imagejays_bride:

    Something short as Evangeline is a mouthful!

    Grace, Marie, Jade, Bella, Claire, Faith, Kate, Paige, Rose, Hope

    I know, poor child. Luckily Evagline has a lot of nicknames available. Evie, Eve, Eva, etc. She can definitely go with a nickname. :) I like the ideas, keep 'em coming!

  • imagejays_bride:

    Something short as Evangeline is a mouthful!

    Grace, Marie, Jade, Bella, Claire, Faith, Kate, Paige, Rose, Hope



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  • I like Grace as well

    Aerobaby: I live in COMO too!

  • imagesjame1:
    Well I lived there for like 13 years but I'm originally from Texas. My whole family on both sides is down here as well. I do miss it though and my friends! We usually make a trip up about twice a year :) So you live there too?! How funny! I think you are too young for me to know you but I'm sure we have mutual friends! COMO is such a "small" town!

    Well, i'm not originally from CoMo! I'm from Kansas City, my husband is from here... I don't know many people here...but I love the town.. such a COLLEGE town for sure!!! 

  • image sjame1:
    Well I lived there for like 13 years but I'm originally from Texas. My whole family on both sides is down here as well. I do miss it though and my friends! We usually make a trip up about twice a year :) So you live there too?! How funny! I think you are too young for me to know you but I'm sure we have mutual friends! COMO is such a "small" town!


    Well, i'm not originally from CoMo! I'm from Kansas City, my husband is from here... I don't know many people here...but I love the town.. such a COLLEGE town for sure!!! 

     It is a college town but so cute! :)

  • Evangeline is one of our top names, as well.  I'm originally from Louisiana, and Evangeline parish is adjacent to the parish where my family is from, so that's really why we picked it.  I love it!  We'd use Rose as the middle name after my grandma. 

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