
For those that CD'd twins/multiples

Did you use disposables in the beginning or CD right away?  I have been really trying to figure out if I should give myself a month or so using disposables so I can get into a routine and then introduce the CD.  I have heard/read that preemie CD are hard to come by.  Any insight on this? 
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Re: For those that CD'd twins/multiples

  • We plan on using disposables for a little while. The diaper service in our area doesn't have cloth for under 8 lbs. We could buy them ourselves....but I have also heard that until the umbilical stump falls off disposables are easier. 

    Also, I don't want to overload myself while trying to learn how to BF two!

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  • I have bought a bunch of premie prefolds (used on craigslist, so not expensive) just in case, but I'll probably use disposables for the first couple of days until their meconium poops are over. If they're not too small I have a newborn stash of prefods and some fitteds that someone gave me, then I will be using one size all in ones. 
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  • I know everyone's circumstances are different but we literally received so many diapers as gifts from our family & friends to last until the girls were 5 months. Awesome! That being said we didn't start cloth diapers until after we exhausted those. If I hadn't received so many as gifts I probably would have done disposables until they were about 8lbs and then switched.
  • We didn't start CDing until they were 7 months old.  I had done research when we first found out we were pregnant, but when we found out it was twins I just thought I'd get overwhelmed with washing diapers & stuff, so kind of threw it out the window.  Looking back now, I wish we had started earlier.  It really isn't that hard, and you totally get into a routine with washing them.  We did receive a lot of diapers as gifts though, so I'm sure we would have used them up, plus my girls were preemies & our BG 3.0 one-sizes wouldn't have fit them when they were tiny anyway.
  • I would use disposables at the very beginning. My girls were too small for the cloth diapers I bought. I think it was about 3 weeks or so. Plus do you really want to go through 20-24 cloth diapers a day and washing them?
  • Our twins haven't arrived yet, but we're planning on going with disposables until we achieve a better sense of a routine/normalcy. COnsidering how much we just spent last weekend on diapers for 3 children (DS #1 and these two), I'm glad we won't be doing disposables for much longer. 
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I plan on CDing from the beginning.  I'm going to do preemie prefolds and tiny g pants.  I will have a lot of help the first few weeks, my MIL and mom are saving their vacations for when the babies come, and my DH gets paternity leave. 


    That being said, I will def have sposies on hand in case they are teeny tiny or I just get too overwhelmed.

  • We use Bum Genius and they didn't really fit for the first few months, but it was fine because they were in the hospital for a month and then we used the diapers that our nicu nurses gave us and friends and family gave us.  By the time those ran out, they fit in the BG's.  We do still use disposable occasionally if we are going to be out for awhile or at someone's house or something like that...then i don't have to deal with a carrying around a pooped up diaper.
  • for those who are CD, how many diapers are in your stash?
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • We did it as soon as we ran out of the disposables we came home from the hospital with. The Kissaluv's size 0 (KL0s) are great for newborns.
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  • We plan on using disposable dipes for 4 - 8 weeks. However long until we get the hang of the job...that might mean until college Wink

    I think I read somewhere that a stash of 36 diapers should be plenty. I think by waiting a few weeks before using CD the number of diaper changes should reduce too so fewer dipes to wash. I'd like to be able to do wash every other day and am hoping that 36 - 40 diapers should do it. We'll get 4 diaper covers per kid in each size and then we have to decide on how many inserts and cloth wipes.Tongue Tied

  • imagemarbear81:
    for those who are CD, how many diapers are in your stash?

    I have a stash of 26 BumGenius one-sizes, which is enough for me to wash every other day as long as I generally do it at the same time of the day (I usually do evenings & then they can air-dry overnight).  We also have 2 other diapers that were hand-me-downs given to us; I don't like them as much (more likely to leak), so just use them as emergency diapers, in case I forgot to wash the other diapers quickly enough!   26 seems to be enough for my girls at this age, though we didn't start with cloth until they were 7 months I think if you plan to start with smaller babies who are changed more often, you might need a few more than that.

  • We used disposables until about 1 1/2 months, I want to say.  We still use disposables at night.  I just haven't had the guts to do overnight CDing since mine pretty much STTN and my little boy pees like CRAZY!  He has a tendency to pee through fuzzibunz no matter how often we change him - they have to be doubled all.the.time. for him.
  • We used disposables at first because 1) we were given a ton and 2) they had to grow into the bumgenius we bought. (By about 10.5 lbs we stopped having leaks).
  • imagerasuhu:

    for those who are CD, how many diapers are in your stash?

    I have a stash of 26 BumGenius one-sizes, which is enough for me to wash every other day as long as I generally do it at the same time of the day (I usually do evenings & then they can air-dry overnight).  We also have 2 other diapers that were hand-me-downs given to us; I don't like them as much (more likely to leak), so just use them as emergency diapers, in case I forgot to wash the other diapers quickly enough!   26 seems to be enough for my girls at this age, though we didn't start with cloth until they were 7 months I think if you plan to start with smaller babies who are changed more often, you might need a few more than that.

    Wow, I can't get by with that few b/c it takes a while to air dry in my basement.

    I started out with 36 - but bought 12 more once we started using them 1) because now I can wash about 26 at a time and not have a problem and 2) I didn't know what I was having beforehand (when I bought the BGs), so once they were here I decided they needed some pink dipes too ;o) 

    So I have 48 total.

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