
i hate the paci!!!

dd FREAKS if her paci falls out while she is trying to fall asleep.. not to mention she will only take the soothie paci's which i find are hard for them to keep in thier mouths.  She is so wierd with her paci it drives me nuts!!! She will drop it then start to freak... you put it in her mouth again and she wigs out shaking her head back and forth for a minute until she realizes its there (even thought you try to rub her lips or mouth with it so clearly she feels it)

i have seriously debated ditching the paci all together but to be honest its the only way to shut her up sometimes! Kind of makes me sad she is so pretty and i never see her w/o a paci.  She has such a strong sucking fixation from day one... she made it almost impossible to breast feed. 

ugh... off to reinsert the paci for the 300 time this am.  any suggestions would be awsome on what i should do!!!!

Re: i hate the paci!!!

  • it gets better. All 3 of mine are paci addicts (griffin still uses it at night only)... After a couple months they get better at keeping it in - and eventually they learn to put it in by themselves- which is AWESOME :)

    My twins have learned how to push it back in if it falls out right on their chest, but not if it goes anywhere else - then I'm needed.

    Gray fusses when going down for a nap and does the same thing- spits it out- cries- takes it back, over and over until he falls asleep. he doesn't do this at daycare or at night - only for naps at home- i'm the lucky one :)

  • Have you seen those Wubbanub things? They are a soothie with a stuffed animal attached. Supposedly they help keep the paci in and make it easier for baby to put it back themselves. Might be worth a try. :)
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  • dont worry i have NOT done this, but in the middle of the night i have wished i could use duct tape.......
  • This is the reason that we ditched the paci with the boys at 2 months.

    My DD was the same as your DD and I gave her the Nuk as we call it in our house.  It took me till just recently to break her of this habit - she is almost 3.

    I swore I wouldn't go through it again and used it for the boys for 2 months and then it was gone.

    Although I do believe that some kids just like to suck: my DD and some don't: my DS - they don't even suck their fingers/thumbs!

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