I think (and not just the post directed at me, there were others), the "honesty" got taken too far today. I mean, do people really need to scrutinize my financial situation on here all the time? It's really quite annoying and hurtful, especially when I did nothing to ask for it. The meanness directed at other people seemed to come out of nowhere, too.
Re: Does honest=mean?
I think Beth nailed it when she said that it had been dead around here lately and that people were either ignoring and just sugar coating. (Sorry, paraphrasing here), and people appeared to just have their fill of it and came out swinging.
That's my take, though I only had about 20 minutes to read those eleventy billion pages of that post.
Me with my littlest.
No, it doesn't.
Femmegem said it in a really great way earlier but I don't remember it word for word and I'm too lazy to go looking for it.
But basically, I could post AT LEAST 10 times a day things that were posted today --- but I don't....because it's mean.
And you all know, I'm honest.
I will give you an honest answer, if I feel that is what you are looking for. If not, I will not answer.
I didn?t see the original post because I didn?t read all of them just scanned some and gave up. But with that being said I think that some people are just reaching right now. They are bored and may just be trying to make themselves feel better about their own situation or they could be looking for entertainment and for them it?s doing things like that. I'm not good at/don?t like confrontation so I'm not so good at being mean and don't understand reasoning for it.
Just try to ignore what people say though - not all of us can be perfect
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Are you even allowed to have an opinion on this subject, Pam?
No, I don't think honest equals mean. You can say things and be truthful without being mean. If I express my opnion...that is what it is...MY opinion. People can take it or leave it and many leave it I'm sure. I've been around a lot longer than many people on this board (I don't mean as a nestie..but in life). Heck...I'm old enough to be the mother of some of the people on this board! So...I have had more experiences with certain things.
I think it is easy for people to be mean on a chat board...because they don't really "know" the person and are not face to face with the person.