
Ugh, I'm spotting...

It's only pink when I wipe, so I know it's "normal," but it's still kinda freaking me out a bit. I thought I'd be more relaxed this time and wouldn't need to rent a doppler, but I think I'm going to have to.... Hearing a heartbeat right now would be nice so that I know this little one is still in there doing fine. Smile
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo

Re: Ugh, I'm spotting...

  • that's scary, or at least I'd be scared.

    I hope its nothing- good luck!

  • If it were me, I'd call the doctor just to verify that everything is okay.  While a lot of people can say they had spotting their entire pregnancy and everything was fine, it isn't always.  I don't want to be a Debbie Downer or worry you more, but my story didn't turn out so happy.

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  • I'd be freaked a bit too.   GL!  Hope you get to hear the HB.   You are so close to 2nd tri!

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  • My doctor told me at my appt a few weeks ago that spotting without cramps were fine and spotting with cramos were not, so I feel like I shouldn't call because I'm not cramping. I did have a pretty busy day at work yesterday too. Also, I dopplered myself at work two days ago and had a nice strong heartbeat in the 170s. Smile
    Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
    Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
  • I know I'm going to drive my doctor's office nuts if I am lucky enough to get pregnant again.  I had the brown spotting (sans cramps) that everyone says is okay.  (It did end up to be a lot more than brown spotting and included cramping, but it wasn't in the beginning).

    I bet you are fine, but if it were me, I'd be calling.
  • imagefirefightersgal:
    If it were me, I'd call the doctor just to verify that everything is okay.  While a lot of people can say they had spotting their entire pregnancy and everything was fine, it isn't always.  I don't want to be a Debbie Downer or worry you more, but my story didn't turn out so happy.


  • imageMarce921:
    My doctor told me at my appt a few weeks ago that spotting without cramps were fine and spotting with cramos were not, so I feel like I shouldn't call because I'm not cramping. I did have a pretty busy day at work yesterday too. Also, I dopplered myself at work two days ago and had a nice strong heartbeat in the 170s. Smile

    This is definitely not the case all the time. See my siggy. I had 3 mc's after giving birth to my dd. My last mc I was over 12 weeks pregnant with very light spotting (only when wiping) and already saw the hb 5 times on US's due to spotting. I NEVER had ANY cramping at cleared to go to Disney on vacation and started to spot more, went to the ER with no hb detected and surgery needed while on vacation. So, with any spotting you really should call your OB. Let your OB be the judge if he/she wants to see you. I hope this is not the case for you and I wish you all the luck with your pregnancy!

  • I rented a doppler with each of my last 3 pregnancies.  It was ESPECIALLY comforting to have during my pg after my m/c.


    GL with the spotting.  I would still definitley call your OB & let them know. I don't necessarily agree with what your doc told you about spottintg & cramping versus spotting w/o cramping.  I had spotting & NO cramps with my m/c at 9wks.  The spotting was occuring while the baby was dying & the hb was very low, but still there until several days later.  I never had any cramps.  With my 4th child, I had spotting (with NO cramps) in the first tri & it ended up being a subchorionic hemorrhage next to the placenta that I needed to be put on bedrest for until it cleared up.

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