
Am I being cheap?

Originally I was going to give my son's preschool teachers $20 gc to Target.

Now I am thinking maybe $10 would be good. He goes two days a week for two hours (he's 3). Is $10 too cheap??


Re: Am I being cheap?

  • My kids are full-time.  I gave the main teachers $25 and the helpers $10.  $10 doesn't sound like much but they get gifts from other people too so it does add up.  I would love to get $10 off something for myself.  I think it's nice. 
  • I would go with $20
    Stay at Home Mama to 3 Beautiful Children by the miracles of Birth & Adoption
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  • Yes, $10 is cheap.  Spring for a little more , it won't put you in the poorhouse.  These people care for your child - pull some money from other less important peoples' presents if need be.
  • dd's main teacher and the director are getting $25 GCs, the assistants (grad students) are getting $15 GC... and dd and I are making cinnamon ornaments for them.  maybe add a little homemade something with it.  we made peppermint bark one year. it was easy and yummy. 
  • Yeah, it does seem a little cheap.
  • $10 is quite enough.  Most parents don't even get the teachers anything!
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