TTC after 35


How's the wheatgrass working for you?  Are you still taking it?
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Re: ***Joyful***

  • Hi, Moma.

    I'm embarassed to say that after the first package was gone, I failed to go get another package! It was right before T-giving, so I figured I'd just start up again when I returned...ha ha.

    I don't know that I'll know how it's working even when I'm back on it, though. My RE doesn't seem to test FSH repeatedly - he is of the mind that once it's high, it's high. He also told me that lowering the number won't matter one whit (ie, i'll still have limited eggs of limited quality) so I don't think he'll care, anyway.

    I plan to start taking it again just because it's something I can do on my own, and it can't hurt. I just don't think I'll ever know if it changed my number.

    That was a really long way of saying, "I don't know!"

    How are you?


  • I'm doing okay, considering.  Today's a better day. Smile  Now I can't wait for AF to arrive, it's funny because I pray for two weeks that she won't show and then one negative test...I'm wishing she would hurry up!

    I stopped the wheatgrass too because I was lazy.  It's a pain to go buy, I wish they sold it at Wegman's...then I'd probably keep buying it.

    I did buy bee pollen granuals.  They're supposed to help too but I haven't tried them yet.  My friend thinks I'm nuts and my DH doesn't care....he just wants a baby.

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