My company doesn't offer paid maternity leave or short-term disability. I was just curious to know if anyone has ever tried this....
Sorry, I didn't clarify. That is exactly what I meant, can he use HIS company leave eventhough, I am the one having the baby. I can only take so much time off, so would he be able to pick up where "I left off".....sheesh!
Re: Anyone Ever use your spouse's Maternity Leave?
Very confused.
The Mouse ~ 06.12.08 | The Froggy ~ 02.23.11
Agree with Amie. My first thought is "Um. What?"
If your company doesn't offer maternity leave or STD, then you are quite possibly SOL because I don't think your spouse's company would pay for YOU to be out on leave. Your spouse, maybe, but certainly not you.
I just wish DH could carry the baby.
BFP 12.20.2010 :: missed m/c 1/2011 around 8 weeks
BFP @ 9dpo 5.24.2011 :: missed m/c 6/2011 around 7 weeks
positive for ANAs (1:40) with a speckled pattern
MTHFR c677t mutation (heterozygous)
*folic acid, baby asprin, Prometrium, acupuncture, Lovenox*
BFP @ 9dpo 2.1.2012 || HCG = 8 : Progesterone = 19.2
2nd HCG @ 11dpo = 40 || 3rd HCG @ 21dpo = over 5000!
Stick, little one, stick! EDD October 15, 2012
If both companies have over 50 employees, then you both are eligible for FMLA; however, FMLA is unpaid. Your DH's HR department is the best place to ask.
LOL. The first way you worded it was funny.
My husband only got a week's paid paternity leave but he was eligible for 12 weeks FMLA but it would have been unpaid.
More than likely he might get a week's paid leave and then he could use his vacation time if needed.
Ooh 12 weeks? Your DH works for a good company! Lucky y'
Sorry to everyone how I worded my question at first - didn't really know how to explain it - but yeah, I guess it's called Paternity leave for the DH, not Maternity leave....: )