When we first started telling people we were pregnant, the very first person we told said "Ohhh! We have a little peanut on our hands!". Well, DH looked at me and said "But I like cashews, not peanuts." So we nicknamed our LO Cashew.
We've been getting Christmas cards that acknowledge Cashew.
Re: What's your LOs nickname?
Toot Toot
I seem to do it a lot so it's fitting
My pregnancy was a total surprise so it took awhile to get used to it, but in that "OMG someone is growing in me way." One day I came home and I told my husband how awesome it was, because I was never alone all day. "It's like I have a little buddy with me wherever I go." So now everyone (and I mean everyone) calls the baby Little Buddy, even random friends of my MIL. They came for Thanksgiving and were like "how's Little Buddy?"
We call baby "bubs" - I don't know how that started. So DH will always say "hi bubs!" to my belly. Its so cute! Once we find out the sex, I think we will switch to calling the baby by his/her name (if we can pick one) or "baby girl"/"baby boy" until we pick a name.?
Aww...this is my sister's nickname to this day. She's 22 and our Doodle Bug will call her Aunt Bink. LOL
we call her Blueberry or blue. some even refer to her as Bleu (like the fancy cheese). Recently we call her the "TEXAS Muffin" because of my growing belly- and the size of texas muffin pans!
DH and I call it "the kid."
I'm the youngest in a big family and my nickname from them was Bugs, so my family is calling it "baby bugs" which I think is really cute.
That is too stinkin cute.
DH and I call each other variations of 'Muffin' (muff-muff, muff-butt, muffy, etc.) We call the babe 'Muff'.
Tuna. Even though we know it's a girl, we still call her Tuna.
We decided we wouldn't be sharing the name we choose with anyone (not that we have a name picked out yet) so everyone in the family already calles her Tuna or Tunes.
This child already has several nicknames. We are probably going to name him Thomas and we've been calling him T-man, Little T, Baby T, T-mo, and T-dub ("dub" for the W in his middle name).
My first was Boo.
My second was Squishy.
My third is Pip or Pipsqueak.
When I was pregnant with DS he got the nickname "monkey" because it seemed like he must have had long arms and legs -- he kicked me like crazy all the time.
As for this one. . . she gets all kinds of different names, from girlie girl, to little princess to monkette. . .