Hey ladies!! I recently found a place in my town that is a Pregnancy Spa. When I was browsing their website I found out that they perform elective ultrasounds to confirm gender anytime after 16 weeks. I could find out almost a month early!!
They are only $99 and are guaranteed- if you bring in a birth certificate with a child of the opposite sex determined, you get your money back!
Just can't wait to know whether your baby is a girl or boy? We can schedule this 10 minute session any time after 16 weeks as long as you are under the care of a medical provider.
This session includes:
? Ultrasound performed by an RDMS OB Medical Sonographer. We're so confident in our Sonographers' success rate;
we'll give you your money back if we're wrong. (requires birth certificate as proof)
? Limited Diagnostic Report for You and Your Provider
? 2 Black and White 2D Pictures
? If we can't tell you the gender of your baby, come back for free!
? Add a DVD for $20
? FREE Baby Belly Membership (See Membership Tab above for Membership Benefit details) -- 12 months
Re: Elective U/S to find out gender?
My baby is two!!! Baby girl 9/17/09
My other baby is still a baby! Baby Boy 11-30-11
Good luck!! I hope your LO shows you the goods!
If I wasn't able to get one scheduled before Christmas, I was going to set one up for my b-day (tomorrow). I don't know why, but it was really important for me to know before the holidays.
But, my appt is on Dec 24 so I'm all set
If you have the money and it's not going to break your budget, I don't see a problem with it.
I was thinking about this too! That's why I can't decide. I'm so glad I have a few weeks before I'm even eligible to decide. I'm so excited to find out, I think if I was already 16 weeks I'd be running over there on my lunch break LOL
Some are less patient than others.
OP, I'm not a patient person by any means. I got my 3D/4D u/s to determine the gender the day that I was offically 16 weeks. She touched the wand on my stomach, and it was just about two seconds later that he was flashing his goods and she told me it's a boy.
The place that I went to was amazing. The ultrasound tech was incredibly intelligent and answered all the questions I had, even silly ones. She took the time to show me on the ultrasound screen in "doppler" mode where blood and oxygen are being sent through the baby in real time, and what he is "breathing" out. The machines that they use are high tech and there is an assortment of things that they can show you other than just the gender.
I say, GO FOR IT.
I guess there is always that chance, but with DD, it was plain as day, no mistaking, and it was actually 15w5d.
That's so cool you get to find out on Christmas Eve! What a memorable day! I'll be 16 weeks January 4th so I'll miss the holidays either way. It's definitely not going to break the bank. I was even thinking about just asking for a gift certificate to the spa for Christmas. Have fun announcing your news this Christmas!
I can't speak for everyone, but when I had mine done, it was very obvious, even to me, that it's a boy, even more so when she would switch the live picture to the 4D. She took the time at each chance to point out the penis and scrotum. My tech has been an ultrasound tech for 9 years and though she isn't the most experienced in the world, she still has that experience under her belt and that made me feel even more assured, if that's even possible.
I drank apple juice before hand, but it turns out he didn't want to move anyway, and we were still able to get a very clear and accurate pictures of him and his measurements along with the gender.
That sounds amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on team blue!!
I had my big U/S yesterday, we go to the same doc, and they will do 3D/4D pictures there, or at least she did yesterday with me, she was super nice.
I'd just wait.
Hi!! Hope your big U/S went great!! Are you waiting to announce team pink/blue or are you team green?
Yeah, I had an u/s at 9 weeks due to some spotting and she actually switched it over to 3d/4d- pic in siggy. I'm not so worried about getting to see those images. I'm just REALLY impatient and can't wait to find out what our little bean is!
Congrats!!!! That's awesome that you got video clips.
If you want to find out early for a specific reasons (like maybe you'll be seeing long distance family and want to tell them in person) then I'd do it in a heartbeat!
Or if you're doing it just for fun and have an extra $99 then go ahead
I'd probably just wait until my big ultrasound though (again, unless I wanted it done before Christmas or before seeing family, etc.)
GL Anna!
Carter Robert 7.18.08 | Brynn Sophia 5.24.10 | Reid Joseph 9.10.12 | Emerson Mae 1.27.14
This- my 3d/4d ultrasound is next Wednesday, just a day shy of 17 weeks. Although I'm going to see my DH for the first time in 2 months at some point soon, so I want them to write it down and we can find out together. That's the main reason why I'm doing it. Obviously he won't be able to go with me to my big u/s January 8th...
Do what you want- it's your money. It's not that expensive if you have the money to spare!
If its wrong, you will find out at your 20 week ultrasound, and when the baby is born, you can get your $99 back! Sounds like a win win to me! I'm getting my 3D/4D ultrasound today to find out the gender. She got me the package to find out the gender, then come back at 28-32 weeks to get another look when the baby is bigger. Its my christmas present from my mom and I would be waiting more than a month to find out if I waited for my next u/s. My doc has all kinds of holiday plans.