Not expecting, but trying to talk hubby into #2! And of course with babies on the brain comes the names. Here are a few names that I like.. wanted to get some input.
Shaya Marie Luna (pronounced shay-ah)
Mason ?? Luna
Ava Marie Luna (i know.. ava is everywhere but i like it)
Grace Luna
Isabel Luna
Chase Luna
**we had a HARD time coming up with our sons name. he didn't have a name until he was 2 days old!! Till the morning we left the hospital! I know its horrible.. but we kept going back and forth! We ended with Trevor Miguel Luna
I seem to have a hard time finding names that go good with the last name Luna. My middle name is Marie and hubbys is Miguel.. I like the spanish sound to the names.. but my hubby is only half mexican.. i'm not at all. and our son came out blonde hair blue eyes! haha. his hair is a dark blonde now at 4 yo (mine was blonde when i was like 3) So to have a true mexican/spanish name might not fit if the kid comes out blonde hair and blue eyes again! haha. Just bored at work with babies on the brain! Thought this would be fun to see what ideas pop up.
Re: name ideas
Beautiful names. My second daughter is Isabel. And I love, love Grace. It is my oldest's middle name.
My husband is Colombian & I am Irish. Our girls pretty much got the olive skin tone & dark eyes of my husband, but they look like me (nose, face shape, etc).
My baby is two!!! Baby girl 9/17/09
My other baby is still a baby! Baby Boy 11-30-11
I love Luna. I tried to talk my DH into Isabella Luna but he said it sounded like an Italian restaurant or a wine. I don't think that's a bad thing though! lol I like Grace the best of your choices.
ETA: I didn't realize Luna was your last name. (should have read the whole post, I guess!) Anyway Grace is still my favorite and Mason is nice for a boy.
My cousin who didn't have a name for #2 for several days named him Mason, but Trevor was on their short list...
I know Hispanics (100%) who are blond with blue eyes, so I wouldn't worry about that. However, I also don't think that Luna is SOO "Mexican" sounding that Mason, Chase, etc. wouldn't sound nice with it. I might avoid Chase just because I don't think Chase should go with any LN that's a noun.
I think Isabel is really pretty but I love some other crossover names like Clara and I love the Spanish name Paloma.
Mason ?? Luna- I think Mason works with Luna. I kinda like Mason Miguel Luna, but I also like alliteration. Other MN suggestions- William, Andrew, Joseph, Christopher, James (I don't know why, but I prefer a more traditional name with Mason- it makes it sounds so strong.)
Ava Marie Luna? (i know.. ava is everywhere but i like it)- I like this, but it sounds too much the the Ave Maria
Grace Luna- I love Grace, but I don't know how well it flows with Luna.
Isabel Luna- This is my favorite! It flows well and is so beautiful!
Chase Luna- I prefer Mason. I think you need a two or three syllable first name to balance out your short last name.?