Or just SSI? I thought it was medicaid, but then googled it and it looked like it was SSI (with a disability). I know a mom of quads (27 weekers) that is fighting for synagis coverage. She has private insurance, but the copay is huge x's 4. Was trying to figure out if medicaid based on BW would help her.
edit: she is in IL with 27 week quads, the biggest was 2lb 4 oz
Re: EDIT: more info...Is it medicaid that is based on birth weight? or just SSI?
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10
Ditto and I do believe it is different in every state.
This in NJ. When K came home from the hospital tho, we lost both because we didn't meet the financial guidelines.
This. They supposedly discontinue once you are discharged from the NICU, but that hasn't been the case here. I was told by one of the doctor's offices, they don't usually cut you off for a while. We will be going for our re-eval on the 28th of Dec to find out if we still qualify. Our insurance has covered pretty much everything 100%, but what little they haven't, the Medicaid has picked up. Like Rachel, we are so very grateful.