I always wondered, do you know someone that smokes or drinks while pregnant and just does not care? Just curious. And if u do know someone did u ever say anything to them?
Someone on 3rd tri smokes...trust me they have given her tons of crap about it. As for drinking, I don't have a problem with someone having a glass of wine every now and then, but its not for me.
I do, but they've already had their kids. I never said anything to them, because I imagine they know the risks. I think it's messed up and selfish, but me telling them that certainly wouldn't make them change- it would probably upset them enough to grab a cigarette.
I saw a lady at a wedding - who was like 8 months along - smoking outside. Everyone who saw her stopped and stared. It was crazy. Several people went over to intervene but she didnt seem bothered.
I don't, but I know for a fact I would have a VERY hard time holding my tongue if I did. My job is to do research and develop interventions to reduce/eliminate tobacco and substance use during pregnancy and postpartum, so it's something I'm invested in personally and professionally.
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Two younger girls got pregnant last year at the salon I worked at one of the girls said she didn't know she was pregnant yet but her roommate (worked with us as well) told me she saw a positive test in their bathroom trash way before she announced it. Basically she said she didn't know but drank away almost through her first trimester. Her baby was premature and had some problems. Coincidence?
The other girl would smoke on her breaks I ignored her because I didn't smoke so wasn't ever around her while she was smoking but I know others we worked with would say stuff to her.
This girl i worked with smoked throughout her pregnancy...And I asked another co-worker and she said that that dr. said it's better to smoke than to stop rapidly...
My cousin's wife got married and waited to tell people they were pg - which is fine. She smoked and drank a few drinks at her wedding reception. Only way I noticed is because there were rumors she was pg.
I forgot, DH's mother smoked and drank while pregnant with him, he had some childhood asthma issues, but otherwise is super healthy. It didn't hurt his growth either, he is 6'3". This was in the last 70's though when smoking and drinking during pregnancy wasn't the issue it is now.
My old BFF smoked her entire pregnancy. I had no idea until I caught her smoking outside of her baby shower! I was disgusted. I was younger & didnt say anything, but I would have no problem speaking up about it now.
Her DD was born at a healthy weight, full term and all that but she does have asthma.
Ive seen people smoking while pregnant, but have never known them so I keep my mouth shut, even though I would like not to. None of the people I know are that dumb
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I had a summer job at a restaurant about 6 years ago (I was about 20) and met a pregnant girl who would smoke outside all the time (she was about 16). I freaked out at her the first time she said she was going outside to smoke and she basically threatened my life unless I back the f___ off. I didn't mention it again, but whenever her mom or boyfriend called for her I'd tell them she'd been smoking so that they'd get pissed and yell at her.
My mom. Well... she smoked but did not drink. She said that she didn't smoke through out her pregnancy and didn't chain smoke. Only here and there. I turned out fine with no health problems and an average size baby. I didn't find this stuff out until I was 19 or 20 because I never knew my mom smoked. She apparently stopped sometime while pregnant with me.
DH's step-sister just had her baby on Friday. She only found out she was pregnant (at 4 1/2 months) after being admitted to the hospital for abusing prescription drugs. She drank and smoke throughout her entire pregnancy. Her baby was only 4 pounds and I hope and pray he is healthy. I am not at all close to her, we never see her and I never felt comfortable saying anything. If she was someone I actually saw or spoke to, I think I would have said something.
i know someone who used to smoke while she was pregnant. although i didnt know her then.. but her son now has asthma. she told me all about it..
i say if gals wanna smoke/drink/drug while they are prego, thats their deal.. it sucks... but its not my place to lecture anyone... they;re old enough to know better.. and if not, well again, to each his own..
but for me, i stay away from smokers and and i havent consumed any kind of alcohol since being prego...
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I worked with a girl a few years ago that smoked her entire pregnancy. We all had the initial talk with her about it but quickly dropped it.
I don't think it was that she didn't care. She was 21 and semi single. She had a BF but he wasn't very mature and even had to spend some time in jail during the pregnancy for assault. I think she was young and scared and didn't know how to properly handle the stress without smoking.
I knew that it was unhealthy, I expressed my concerns and then stood back and let her make her own decisions.
I have a friend who was in denial about being pregnant for 6 months and did a lot worse than just drink and smoke. By some miracle of GOD her child is perfectly healthy, though she had severe jaundice at birth. She now is in denial about what she did while pregnant. I didn't say anything at the time because... I didn't know she was pregnant, and once she admitted it to herself, she stopped.
I don't know anyone who has smoked while pregnant. I have a friend and a cousin who are smokers who were able to quit while pregnant but eventually went back to it.
I also don't know anyone who drinks excessively while pregnant, but I do have a girlfriend who had a weekly glass of wine while she was pregnant. I'm not against it, but I wouldn't do it myself.
Emily 11.29.2007 | Kate 4.3.2010 | James 8.22.2013
My mom's BF's daughter is about two months ahead of me and still smokes. I don't mean a cigarette a day or something either....we're talking smokes constantly. I have only met her once, so I haven't said anything, but I am really surprised her dad hasn't said something to her. My mom always tells him he should, but I guess he doesn't want to cause any waves. It makes me sad to think about the baby being born with a nicotine addiction and spending its first few days getting over it.
I have never known anyone who abused alcohol during pregnancy.
I have never smoked; everyone my age that has had babies are non-smokers as well.
However, I will play devil's advocate. It's a lot easier for us non-smokers to stop drinking socially than for an addicted cigarette smoker to quit cold-turkey. Yes, people do it. But it's HARD. Add in pregnancy hormones with that. I've heard of pregnant women reducing their cigarette intake while pregnant, but not being able to quit.
Yes, it's harmful to the baby. Yes, I disagree with it. But I'm not going to judge another mother-to-be, especially since I can't possibly understand her addiction. It doesn't affect me or my baby, so I just don't care enough to get angry about it or mention it to her, stranger or friend.
DH's cousin's fiancee. She smoked throughout her entire?pregnancy. She too used the "its best not to quit suddenly" excuse. She wasn't a heavy smoker and it wouldn't have been that hard to quit, she just didn't care to do it. I really wanted to say something to her but its not my place. She knew what she was doing and the risks, there was nothing I could have said to her that would have changed it.?
One of the lady's in my unit smoked during her last pregnancy, and I can only image she smoked through the first two. I did bring it up once, but I hardly remember her argument. All her kids seem fine, thankfully, but she did get sent home early from deployment from cancer.
I have never smoked; everyone my age that has had babies are non-smokers as well.
However, I will play devil's advocate. It's a lot easier for us non-smokers to stop drinking socially than for an addicted cigarette smoker to quit cold-turkey. Yes, people do it. But it's HARD. Add in pregnancy hormones with that. I've heard of pregnant women reducing their cigarette intake while pregnant, but not being able to quit.
Yes, it's harmful to the baby. Yes, I disagree with it. But I'm not going to judge another mother-to-be, especially since I can't possibly understand her addiction. It doesn't affect me or my baby, so I just don't care enough to get angry about it or mention it to her, stranger or friend.
As an ex-smoker, I assure you it can be done. I quit smoking years ago but if I had gotten pregnant while smoking I would have quit right away. The guilt would have eaten me alive. ?Thats why I get so annoyed when I see or hear of women who are pregnant and smoking and claim its "too hard to quit". Its hard, but not impossible.?
My SO saw my 5 months pregnant coworker smoking outside a few weeks ago when he picked me up. She's been "quitting" on & off for the past couple of years but this pregnancy has really stressed her out (baby's father issues). It may just be an occasional thing to help her relax (not saying that's a good excuse) but I'm not sure. We don't exactly get along very well so I don't feel it's really my business or place to say anything to her.
When we told SO's mom we were pregnant she told SO that she smoked the entire time she was pregnant with him. He turned out just fine (not saying by any means that that makes smoking while pregnant okay).
This girl i worked with smoked throughout her pregnancy...And I asked another co-worker and she said that that dr. said it's better to smoke than to stop rapidly...
Let me just say that I was a pack a day smoker before finding out I was pg. I found out on August 26th, and immediately cut back to about 5 a day. By Labor Day, I realized that I was not smoking for enjoyment anymore, but out of habit. So I gave the last several cigs in my pack away.
Since then, I have had 2 cigaretts - both last week after finding out my dad's cancer came back. It's not easy to quit, and stay done, but I have been doing a really good job of it and am proud of myself - even with the couple I had last week (one on Tue and one on Wed). But I was also an emotional wreck.
Without the morning sickness, I am not sure if I could have handled quitting that suddenly. The smell of smoke was so different than normal for me, I couldn't stand it - which is one of the reasons I quit.
The addiction is a very real thing for me (and my DH who want to be done by the birthday of our child). Even knowing that it's harmful for children, it's very hard to judge someone else for not being able to give it up. If they are not afflicted with m/s, and never lose that desire, it would put a lot of stress on their bodies to quit.
Now my goal is not to start back up again when LO is born.
An old friend of mine smoked her entire pregnancy...she had her baby at 24 weeks (yes 24 weeks!), the baby weighed a little over a pound and miraculously is doing wonderful, he was supposed to be born in April & was born in January. He doesn't show signs of health problems but u never know what could come up, he is only 11 months old right now. I smoked almost a pack a day for 8 years before getting pg and quit the day I got my BFP, it was hard but I can't imagine continuing to harm my baby on a daily basis! I probably will never smoke again.
I'm jumping over to 2nd tri a week early to add to this...
I used to smoke until the day I got my BFP. Yes, it's hard to quit cold turkey, but it is possible. I think it's completely selfish to continue to smoke while knowing you're pregnant. And what kind of doctor that has any medical background what-so-ever would tell their patient that it's ok to just cut back but still smoke??? That's ridiculous.
I quit when pregnant with DD and then started again when she was about 3 months old. I wanted to feel like I still had part of my "old self". I quit again this pregnancy as soon as I got the positive test. I'm sure I'll have another cig when out with friends after this baby is born. I'm just hoping I don't go back to a full-time smoker.
My mom smoked the entire pregnancy with both my sister and I in the late 70s.
Let me just say that I was a pack a day smoker before finding out I was pg. I found out on August 26th, and immediately cut back to about 5 a day. By Labor Day, I realized that I was not smoking for enjoyment anymore, but out of habit. So I gave the last several cigs in my pack away.
Since then, I have had 2 cigaretts - both last week after finding out my dad's cancer came back. It's not easy to quit, and stay done, but I have been doing a really good job of it and am proud of myself - even with the couple I had last week (one on Tue and one on Wed). But I was also an emotional wreck.
Without the morning sickness, I am not sure if I could have handled quitting that suddenly. The smell of smoke was so different than normal for me, I couldn't stand it - which is one of the reasons I quit.
The addiction is a very real thing for me (and my DH who want to be done by the birthday of our child). Even knowing that it's harmful for children, it's very hard to judge someone else for not being able to give it up. If they are not afflicted with m/s, and never lose that desire, it would put a lot of stress on their bodies to quit.
Now my goal is not to start back up again when LO is born.
My mom quit cold-turkey when she got pregnant, but my dad had a real hard time. He was a Vietnam vet and used to be in a rock band - it was just not in him. As a sort of last resort, he tried hypnotherapy. It only took two appointments and he never wanted to smoke again. Just an idea if you or your DH are interested. It might be expensive, but that's probably b/c it works so well.
I'm jumping over to 2nd tri a week early to add to this...
I used to smoke until the day I got my BFP. Yes, it's hard to quit cold turkey, but it is possible. I think it's completely selfish to continue to smoke while knowing you're pregnant. And what kind of doctor that has any medical background what-so-ever would tell their patient that it's ok to just cut back but still smoke??? That's ridiculous.
Many doctors think that quitting cold turkey, and the withdrawal effects are more harmful than cutting back then quitting
That being said, I was once a smoker and would never have been able to live with myself if I smoked while pregnant
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One of my dear friends smoked all through her PGCY, she claims she reduced it considerably (not sure if I believe her) and that her doc told her that quitting cold turkey was not good.
Of course that made me mad, but what really sealed the deal was when she told me that she stopped BF on the first month becasuse she smokes and didn't want to hurt the baby (such a great mom)
This same friend has had no trouble asking for smokers tables at restaurants and actually smoking while I'm sitting just a few chairs away. Same with my other friend who gave birth a few months ago. She talks and makes all this show about not smoking in front of us, then takes a few steps away (like that is going to make a difference) and does anyways.
I have never smoked; everyone my age that has had babies are non-smokers as well.
However, I will play devil's advocate. It's a lot easier for us non-smokers to stop drinking socially than for an addicted cigarette smoker to quit cold-turkey. Yes, people do it. But it's HARD. Add in pregnancy hormones with that. I've heard of pregnant women reducing their cigarette intake while pregnant, but not being able to quit.
Yes, it's harmful to the baby. Yes, I disagree with it. But I'm not going to judge another mother-to-be, especially since I can't possibly understand her addiction. It doesn't affect me or my baby, so I just don't care enough to get angry about it or mention it to her, stranger or friend.
I was a full time smoker up until the time that I took my pregnancy test. I had quit many times and certainly wasn't a heavy smoker, but II have a super stressful job and unfortunately, there was a pack in my purse when I took my test (we weren't actively trying to get pregnant either). I know how hard it is to quit cold turkey, but when you make the decision to have a baby, you are no longer making decisions for just yourself. I have heard a lot of woman profess that their doctors told them that it was more harmful to quit cold turkey than to continue to smoke. I can't imagine any reputable doctor actually giving this advice and, if he does, he should switch careers.
Let me just say that I was a pack a day smoker before finding out I was pg. I found out on August 26th, and immediately cut back to about 5 a day. By Labor Day, I realized that I was not smoking for enjoyment anymore, but out of habit. So I gave the last several cigs in my pack away.
Since then, I have had 2 cigaretts - both last week after finding out my dad's cancer came back. It's not easy to quit, and stay done, but I have been doing a really good job of it and am proud of myself - even with the couple I had last week (one on Tue and one on Wed). But I was also an emotional wreck.
Without the morning sickness, I am not sure if I could have handled quitting that suddenly. The smell of smoke was so different than normal for me, I couldn't stand it - which is one of the reasons I quit.
The addiction is a very real thing for me (and my DH who want to be done by the birthday of our child). Even knowing that it's harmful for children, it's very hard to judge someone else for not being able to give it up. If they are not afflicted with m/s, and never lose that desire, it would put a lot of stress on their bodies to quit.
Now my goal is not to start back up again when LO is born.
I smoked about a pack a day before I got my BFP. The day I found out I was PG was the day that I quit, cold turkey. It was not that hard for me because I knew that I had no other option then to quit. My goal is to not pick up smoking again. I know that if I have one (after having LO) I'll be back to a pack a day and I don't want to smoke anymore.
I am an ex-smoker of 15 years and I am 32 years old. I had quit a few times but always went back to smoking, it has been a long standing battle for me. I had quit "full fledged" smoking before I became pregnant and by that I mean I stopped buying packs and would bum them from my friends that smoke.
All of this being said when I found out I was pregnant I wouldn't even consider having a cigarette. I could NEVER be that selfish. If I can quit I truly believe anyone can quit you just do it because it's the right thing to do and that's the end of it.
Years ago I had a co-worker that cut down to Capri cigarettes...I was always embarrassed for her and felt so sorry for her future baby.
Re: Does anyone know someone that smokes?
I do, but they've already had their kids. I never said anything to them, because I imagine they know the risks. I think it's messed up and selfish, but me telling them that certainly wouldn't make them change- it would probably upset them enough to grab a cigarette.
a lady that works with my mom did and her son was like a week late and he only weighed 4 pounds.
she doesn't think her smoking had anything to do with it.
she is stupid IMO.
her son is fine now, but has always had breathing problems.
pic by http://www.southernportraitanddesign.com/
Yes, my boss's daughter works on the 2nd floor if my building and she is a few weeks behind me and still smokes.
I have never said anything to her. I don't know her that well and plus she is my boss's daughter!
I saw a lady at a wedding - who was like 8 months along - smoking outside. Everyone who saw her stopped and stared. It was crazy. Several people went over to intervene but she didnt seem bothered.
I dont know anyone personally.
Two younger girls got pregnant last year at the salon I worked at one of the girls said she didn't know she was pregnant yet but her roommate (worked with us as well) told me she saw a positive test in their bathroom trash way before she announced it. Basically she said she didn't know but drank away almost through her first trimester. Her baby was premature and had some problems. Coincidence?
The other girl would smoke on her breaks I ignored her because I didn't smoke so wasn't ever around her while she was smoking but I know others we worked with would say stuff to her.
This girl i worked with smoked throughout her pregnancy...And I asked another co-worker and she said that that dr. said it's better to smoke than to stop rapidly...
I was like...that's bull.
My old BFF smoked her entire pregnancy. I had no idea until I caught her smoking outside of her baby shower! I was disgusted. I was younger & didnt say anything, but I would have no problem speaking up about it now.
Her DD was born at a healthy weight, full term and all that but she does have asthma.
My mom.
Well... she smoked but did not drink. She said that she didn't smoke through out her pregnancy and didn't chain smoke. Only here and there. I turned out fine with no health problems and an average size baby. I didn't find this stuff out until I was 19 or 20 because I never knew my mom smoked. She apparently stopped sometime while pregnant with me.
I still love her though.
i know someone who used to smoke while she was pregnant. although i didnt know her then.. but her son now has asthma. she told me all about it..
i say if gals wanna smoke/drink/drug while they are prego, thats their deal.. it sucks... but its not my place to lecture anyone... they;re old enough to know better.. and if not, well again, to each his own..
but for me, i stay away from smokers and and i havent consumed any kind of alcohol since being prego...
I worked with a girl a few years ago that smoked her entire pregnancy. We all had the initial talk with her about it but quickly dropped it.
I don't think it was that she didn't care. She was 21 and semi single. She had a BF but he wasn't very mature and even had to spend some time in jail during the pregnancy for assault. I think she was young and scared and didn't know how to properly handle the stress without smoking.
I knew that it was unhealthy, I expressed my concerns and then stood back and let her make her own decisions.
I don't know anyone who has smoked while pregnant. I have a friend and a cousin who are smokers who were able to quit while pregnant but eventually went back to it.
I also don't know anyone who drinks excessively while pregnant, but I do have a girlfriend who had a weekly glass of wine while she was pregnant. I'm not against it, but I wouldn't do it myself.
My mom's BF's daughter is about two months ahead of me and still smokes. I don't mean a cigarette a day or something either....we're talking smokes constantly. I have only met her once, so I haven't said anything, but I am really surprised her dad hasn't said something to her. My mom always tells him he should, but I guess he doesn't want to cause any waves. It makes me sad to think about the baby being born with a nicotine addiction and spending its first few days getting over it.
I have never known anyone who abused alcohol during pregnancy.
I have never smoked; everyone my age that has had babies are non-smokers as well.
However, I will play devil's advocate. It's a lot easier for us non-smokers to stop drinking socially than for an addicted cigarette smoker to quit cold-turkey. Yes, people do it. But it's HARD. Add in pregnancy hormones with that. I've heard of pregnant women reducing their cigarette intake while pregnant, but not being able to quit.
Yes, it's harmful to the baby. Yes, I disagree with it. But I'm not going to judge another mother-to-be, especially since I can't possibly understand her addiction. It doesn't affect me or my baby, so I just don't care enough to get angry about it or mention it to her, stranger or friend.
DH's cousin's fiancee. She smoked throughout her entire?pregnancy. She too used the "its best not to quit suddenly" excuse. She wasn't a heavy smoker and it wouldn't have been that hard to quit, she just didn't care to do it. I really wanted to say something to her but its not my place. She knew what she was doing and the risks, there was nothing I could have said to her that would have changed it.?
As an ex-smoker, I assure you it can be done. I quit smoking years ago but if I had gotten pregnant while smoking I would have quit right away. The guilt would have eaten me alive. ?Thats why I get so annoyed when I see or hear of women who are pregnant and smoking and claim its "too hard to quit". Its hard, but not impossible.?
My SO saw my 5 months pregnant coworker smoking outside a few weeks ago when he picked me up. She's been "quitting" on & off for the past couple of years but this pregnancy has really stressed her out (baby's father issues). It may just be an occasional thing to help her relax (not saying that's a good excuse) but I'm not sure. We don't exactly get along very well so I don't feel it's really my business or place to say anything to her.
When we told SO's mom we were pregnant she told SO that she smoked the entire time she was pregnant with him. He turned out just fine (not saying by any means that that makes smoking while pregnant okay).
Yeah, that's a really big bull!!
i had a co-worker who smoked while pregnant. she also said her doc said it was better to keep smoking than to put the baby through withdrawls.
bull sh*t. and everytime i saw her smoke, i gave her hell. someone needed to speak up for that child, even if it did no good.
Let me just say that I was a pack a day smoker before finding out I was pg. I found out on August 26th, and immediately cut back to about 5 a day. By Labor Day, I realized that I was not smoking for enjoyment anymore, but out of habit. So I gave the last several cigs in my pack away.
Since then, I have had 2 cigaretts - both last week after finding out my dad's cancer came back. It's not easy to quit, and stay done, but I have been doing a really good job of it and am proud of myself - even with the couple I had last week (one on Tue and one on Wed). But I was also an emotional wreck.
Without the morning sickness, I am not sure if I could have handled quitting that suddenly. The smell of smoke was so different than normal for me, I couldn't stand it - which is one of the reasons I quit.
The addiction is a very real thing for me (and my DH who want to be done by the birthday of our child). Even knowing that it's harmful for children, it's very hard to judge someone else for not being able to give it up. If they are not afflicted with m/s, and never lose that desire, it would put a lot of stress on their bodies to quit.
Now my goal is not to start back up again when LO is born.
An old friend of mine smoked her entire pregnancy...she had her baby at 24 weeks (yes 24 weeks!), the baby weighed a little over a pound and miraculously is doing wonderful, he was supposed to be born in April & was born in January. He doesn't show signs of health problems but u never know what could come up, he is only 11 months old right now. I smoked almost a pack a day for 8 years before getting pg and quit the day I got my BFP, it was hard but I can't imagine continuing to harm my baby on a daily basis! I probably will never smoke again.
I'm jumping over to 2nd tri a week early to add to this...
I used to smoke until the day I got my BFP. Yes, it's hard to quit cold turkey, but it is possible. I think it's completely selfish to continue to smoke while knowing you're pregnant. And what kind of doctor that has any medical background what-so-ever would tell their patient that it's ok to just cut back but still smoke??? That's ridiculous.
I quit when pregnant with DD and then started again when she was about 3 months old. I wanted to feel like I still had part of my "old self". I quit again this pregnancy as soon as I got the positive test. I'm sure I'll have another cig when out with friends after this baby is born. I'm just hoping I don't go back to a full-time smoker.
My mom smoked the entire pregnancy with both my sister and I in the late 70s.
My mom quit cold-turkey when she got pregnant, but my dad had a real hard time. He was a Vietnam vet and used to be in a rock band - it was just not in him. As a sort of last resort, he tried hypnotherapy. It only took two appointments and he never wanted to smoke again. Just an idea if you or your DH are interested. It might be expensive, but that's probably b/c it works so well.
Many doctors think that quitting cold turkey, and the withdrawal effects are more harmful than cutting back then quitting
That being said, I was once a smoker and would never have been able to live with myself if I smoked while pregnant
One of my dear friends smoked all through her PGCY, she claims she reduced it considerably (not sure if I believe her) and that her doc told her that quitting cold turkey was not good.
Of course that made me mad, but what really sealed the deal was when she told me that she stopped BF on the first month becasuse she smokes and didn't want to hurt the baby (such a great mom)
This same friend has had no trouble asking for smokers tables at restaurants and actually smoking while I'm sitting just a few chairs away. Same with my other friend who gave birth a few months ago. She talks and makes all this show about not smoking in front of us, then takes a few steps away (like that is going to make a difference) and does anyways.
I was a full time smoker up until the time that I took my pregnancy test. I had quit many times and certainly wasn't a heavy smoker, but II have a super stressful job and unfortunately, there was a pack in my purse when I took my test (we weren't actively trying to get pregnant either). I know how hard it is to quit cold turkey, but when you make the decision to have a baby, you are no longer making decisions for just yourself. I have heard a lot of woman profess that their doctors told them that it was more harmful to quit cold turkey than to continue to smoke. I can't imagine any reputable doctor actually giving this advice and, if he does, he should switch careers.
kudos to you for doing what is right for LO!
I am an ex-smoker of 15 years and I am 32 years old. I had quit a few times but always went back to smoking, it has been a long standing battle for me. I had quit "full fledged" smoking before I became pregnant and by that I mean I stopped buying packs and would bum them from my friends that smoke.
All of this being said when I found out I was pregnant I wouldn't even consider having a cigarette. I could NEVER be that selfish. If I can quit I truly believe anyone can quit you just do it because it's the right thing to do and that's the end of it.
Years ago I had a co-worker that cut down to Capri cigarettes...I was always embarrassed for her and felt so sorry for her future baby.