Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Anyone have irregular contractions = real labor?

I've been having contractions since midnight.  They were regular - 5 min apart and 40 sec long for a little over an hour.  Then they started getting farther apart - up to 7 min, but longer - last 90 sec.  After 2 hours, they started getting much less frequent so I slept off and on through the night with them.  I've been timing for the last hour.  Most of them are still 30 sec long, but they are anywhere from 6-12 min apart.

Labor with Lucas was by the book, so I'm tempted to think that irregular is NOT labor, BUT...this has been going on for 8 hours now, with some blood.  I have an OB appt at 11 today that I am going to try to move up.  But I am just curious if anyone of you had irregular contractions that were REAL labor? 

Re: Anyone have irregular contractions = real labor?

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    I had irregular contractions with "early" labor. I was having major strong contractions...they would be regular for about 3 hours and then they would taper off...then come back...then taper off. I was basically in what they call early labor two days. Dilating a cm a day....they then induced me at 39 weeks b/c I was so uncomfortable and in pain. You are 40 weeks though. I bet you have something going on...sure you will go soon. My husband says it is like starting a fire.....once the fire is started there is no stopping it. Sounds like your body is trying to start it...
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    I had regular contractions, went to the hospital, they became irregular while I was there. I spent the night and had no progress (but was in a lot of pain). I was sent home with no progress and continued having irregular/regular contractions until 10pm that night. That's when they got REALLY regular and REALLY strong... had my bloody show... called the OB and she had me come in. I got there at 1:45am and gave birth at 4:42am. I was only 38 weeks pregnant.

    So I guess that means yes! Hah.

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    My early labor was like that. It lasted about 16 hours.
    2 girls and a dog
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    I had irregular contractions for about 3 weeks before actually going into labor, but I went to the hospital after I got tired of having irregular contractions and I was put on piutocin to get them to be regular.
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    Yes! I was having pretty painful contractions for about 5 hours... sometimes they were 5 minutes apart, sometimes 3 minutes apart, then they would be 10 minutes apart. Finally at about 3am I called the doctor... she said if they weren't consistent, then it was probably nothing, but I could go to L&D and get checked if I wanted.

    About an hour later(and still irregular) I couldn't take the pain anymore so we went to the hospital and had a baby 8 hours later.

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