
Monday check-in

Sorry I skipped last week, I was flying home from a weekend in San Diego with kimarino13. :)

On with the show...

1 - Where and how?

2 - Do you have your Christmas/Hanukkah (holiday) shopping done?

3 - Open Letter

Re: Monday check-in

  • 1 - DA, matched, due date 01/04/10

    2 - No. Barely started. 

    3 - Dear Boss, please stop asking me how long I plan to take off. It doesn't change from day to day... 12 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks, your dedicated employee.
  • 1 - Where and how? DA Approved

    2 - Do you have your Christmas/Hanukkah (holiday) shopping done? Haven't even started yet

    3 - Open Letter. Dear neighbors, please stop clipping your trees and throwing them into my yard. It is really starting to piss me off

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  • 1 - Where and how?  DA; awaiting finalization

    2 - Do you have your Christmas/Hanukkah (holiday) shopping done?  80% of it is done.  Just need to pick up a couple small things to be finished.

    3 - Open Letter.  Dear Fog - Please go away.  You are making it very difficult to be motivated on a Monday.  Thanks.  - 517b
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  • 1 - DA, matched, due date 12/25/09

    2 - No. Did some over the weekend, went to an Alton Brown Good Eats book signing and got cook books signed for our family. 

    3 - Dear Office, It has been nice working here, but I can not wait to be a stay at home mom and not come back to work!!! Also, I have already mentally checked out of here so don't expect too much from me over the next week. My head is all about baby right now.
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  • 1 - DA, home study draft received!

    2 - Not really, but I am stumped as to what to get ppl!

    3 - Dear owner of house that we can't afford, but I really want: Please accept our offer!
    Photobucket My Favorite Part of Spring~Red Sox Baseball!
  • 1. DA, waiting to hear that we've gone active

    2. Most of it. I need a few more things to round it out

    3. Dear SW, I know the holidays are busy, but I just want to know that we're active, and I would appreciate it if you could get the show on the road!!!

  • 1 - Where and how? DA, application in, homestudy process officially started

    2 - Do you have your Christmas/Hanukkah (holiday) shopping done? Nope. I have some catching up to do.

    3 - Open Letter- Dear Co-Irker. I realize that during the holiday season people want to take additional time off... but could you please consider other people before claiming all of the "good" days off? Thanks. Oh and by the way, calling in "sick" today was a nice touch. Lame.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image
  • 1 - Where and how? DA June 2007 finalized April 2008

    2 - Do you have your Christmas/Hanukkah (holiday) shopping done? yes and everything wrapped

    3 - Open Letter Dear Precious kindergarten students, I know it's the last week before Christmas Break, but please calm down so we don't all lose it.  Love, Your teacher

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  • On with the show...

    1 - Where and how? Foster to Adopt - We have our first placement, although hopefully they'll be transitioned out to family shortly.

    2 - Do you have your Christmas/Hanukkah (holiday) shopping done? Ha. Um, haven't started. I'm very disappointd in myself. shame on me, shame on me.

    3 - Open Letter 1: Dear residents of my area. I see the way you drive, the way you yell at your kids in public, the way that you talk to yourself in the isles of wal-mart...please give my new counseling practice a phone call, i'd love to help you!

  • Where and how? DA waiting for finalization, hopefully soon!

    2 - Do you have your Christmas/Hanukkah (holiday) shopping done? yes all but a couple little things I can just pick up sometime

    3 - Open Letter. Dear DH's family, Our DS's name is Grayden NOT Grady please get it right. Really starting to annoy me.

  • 1. IA waiting to finalize

    2. Yes, done ready to go.

    3. Dear DD, Please do not lay down in the mall screaming "help me" "save me" I really do not want to explain that you have picked this up at daycare.

  • 1. DA, approved and active with 2 attorney's!

    2. Nope, I spread my shopping out with our paychecks. My husband will be back on the boat this Thursday and will not be home until Jan 7th so we're actually celebrating our family Christmas then --- plenty of time to hit the after Christmas sales on body sets and all : )

    3. Dear 517Butterfly :  Thank you for my exchange gift. I love it!

  • 1. Formal Application Meeting Scheduled for the 23rd!

    2.  Yes, except for one present. 

    3. Dear clock, could you move a little faster so I can go home???

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  • 1 - Where and how? DA - Almost finished with homestudy! Should be active soon. Yay!! 2 - Do you have your Christmas/Hanukkah (holiday) shopping done? Yep.. most of it anyways. I still need to find a Christmas box big enough for a quilt.. any ideas on where I could find one? 
    3 - Open Letter : Dear Friday, PLEASE HURRY UP and get here! Thanks! 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • 1.  IA, Peru, approved

    2.  Mostly

    3.  Dear Self, Please get in gear and off the computer so you can avail yourself of this evening without your husband to wrap his presents!  Thanks!

  • 1 - Where and how?  DA,  first HS meeting complete

    2 - Do you have your Christmas/Hanukkah (holiday) shopping done?  Nope, not even close.  Not sure what I'm even getting most people this year...I'm sooo far behind!

    3 - Open Letter  Dear Christmas Cards, Would you please write yourselves this year?  I've been preoccupied with cleaning to prepare for our HS meeting and have neglected you thus far.  It would really help me if you could take care of things yourself.  Thanks so much.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • IA from Ethiopia- waiting for that referral!

    This year is Christmas "lite" at our house... but baking holiday gifts is in progress....

    Dear sweet high school students who I usually adore,  Please stop whining.  I'm over it, and I'm having a hard time faking sympathy because you didn't wake up early enough to eat your poptart.

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