I can't imagine needing to take it, given that I am in a stable marriage and would be ok with getting pg if it happened.
However, for people who aren;t in a stable relationship, and whose BC failed, I think it is awesome. Condoms break, etc.
I do wonder what % of use is "correct" use and what % is people using it totally wrong. I am hoping that when you get it from a pharmacy the pharmacist tries to make sure you are using it correctly.
ETA: ethically, I am fine with it. I don't think that a few days old embryo (is it even an embryo yet at that point? I am not sure about the correct terminology) is a baby- I think it is a tiny ball of cells. If you take a pill that flushes that tiny ball of cells out, I am fine with that. In fact, it only works if it hasn't implanted yet, right?
This. But I think it's a good idea for those who may have been raped... I'd rather someone take that than have to have an abortion.. less trauma for the woman, I would think.?
I'm 100% pro-choice, so I am all for it. Can't imagine a circumstance in which I would need it, since I can't seem to get pregnant anyway, LOL, but I'm glad it's available for women who need it.
However, for people who aren;t in a stable relationship, and whose BC failed, I think it is awesome. Condoms break, etc.
This. Isn't should be used habitually because of lack of planning, care, etc. etc. etc.
Do you say this b/c of the impracticality of having to go the pharmacy every time it happens, or is there some judgment against a person who chooses to use the morning after pill on a regular basis? Just curious.
I'm glad it's available, too, but I can't bring myself to take it. We talked about it today after an "oops" but we're okay with having another and know what we got ourselves into if I were to get pregnant again.
However, for people who aren;t in a stable relationship, and whose BC failed, I think it is awesome. Condoms break, etc.
This. Isn't should be used habitually because of lack of planning, care, etc. etc. etc.
Do you say this b/c of the impracticality of having to go the pharmacy every time it happens, or is there some judgment against a person who chooses to use the morning after pill on a regular basis? Just curious.
this caught my eye, too. it's more expensive than the pill and inconvenient, but it has (to me) the same moral valence as the Pill
Are you talking about Plan B? While I do not feel it should be used as a regular form of birth control, I did use it about 2 months after having my oldest. I had received the MMR vaccine after delivery and was told NOT to get pregnant for a certain length of time afterwards. Our birth control failed and I sought Plan B because I was afraid of the possible consequences to a fetus. I only used it once and would normally be fine with an unexpected pg, but given the information I received about the vaccine, I felt it was my best option. Flame?
I will just say that I am pro-choice, but it is not for me. The ONLY exception would be if I was ever sexually assaulted.
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/9/11 - 34:24 - 1st race evah!
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
However, for people who aren;t in a stable relationship, and whose BC failed, I think it is awesome. Condoms break, etc.
This. Isn't should be used habitually because of lack of planning, care, etc. etc. etc.
Do you say this b/c of the impracticality of having to go the pharmacy every time it happens, or is there some judgment against a person who chooses to use the morning after pill on a regular basis? Just curious.
this caught my eye, too. it's more expensive than the pill and inconvenient, but it has (to me) the same moral valence as the Pill
I haven't read any research about the MAP, but off the top of my head, I would worry that hitting your body with such a big dose of hormones all at once is probably not something you should do all the time. I assume its safety was approved for occasional use, not as a monthly contraceptive.
Also, it isn't all that effectove compared to BCP, etc, is it? It is great as a back-up since there is only like a 20% chance of getting pg in a given cycle anyway, but to use it as your only contraceptive just seems stupid to me.
My other thought is that if you are going to need BC every month you should plan ahead and get on something long term. Since MAP doesn't protect against STD's, etc, I would hope a person using it is in a stable, LT relationship and not dating around. Thus, I am not sure why you wouldn't plan ahead and take the pill (or an IUD or something).
SBDC-- Yes, I mean month after month using it. Why not just get on birth control?
I understand what you're saying in terms of its impracticality in general, but like momphd said, it IS, in essence, birth control. I'd probably choose to use something less expensive, but eh, if someone wants to be fancy and use the expensive stuff, I don't really see the difference, in "moral" terms, I guess.
89% if used within 72 hours, according to PP. That strikes me as not effective enough to be your only form of BC. And it would be cheaper to just get on a generic pill. Ad prnobably easier on your body. So I just don't relaly understand the benefit of using the MAP regularly, other than poor planning/lack of foresight.
ETA: morally, I agree that it is no different than birth control pills.
IDK, SBDC. I never even said I'm against it. Maybe I would under certain circumstances. This isn't worth arguing about it. Why not just use some planning in advance if you are having to use it month after month after month?
I really doubt anyone is using it as plan A, so to speak. Because it's not like you only have to take it once a month. You would have to take it every time you had sex (unprotected sex that is), which could add up in any given month. Plus, isn't it kinda pricey?
I'm not trying to argue, r9; I was just curious if people thought it was an issue of practicality or morality. I know you didn't say you were against it. I just thought the distinction about how often and when it should be used was interesting and wanted to know more about your thoughts on it. sorry if I offended you.
Used it a couple of times in college, very grateful that it was available for me. Can't personally imagine needing it at this point in my life, but I'm very glad it is relatively easily available for most women today.
Since it stops implantation I do not see it as anything more than a birth control type of pill - not something I want people to rely on but I do not see it anything like an abortion.
Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies
Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
I used it once when the condom broke and was very glad it was available to me. The pharmacist who sold it to me warned me that it shouldn't be used as a Plan A because the dose of hormones is unhealthy and it can become less effective if used too often. Don't know how true that is, but since I don't generally react well to hormonal BC I wouldn't use it often. I have an IUD now just so that won't be an issue!
um. I might be wrong, but I don't think it kills an embryo- I think it prevents implantation from ocurring- ie if you are already pg- it won't work, but if you take it in the appropriate window of time, you won't ever become pregnant.
I think it's a good option for those whose primary form of birth control fails. HOWEVER, if you're not using birth control (on a regular basis) and turn to the MAP every.single.time you have sex, than you seriously need to think about sterilization. For realsies. Obviously, you don't want to be pregnant and are demonstrating behavior that, IMO, is irresponsible...which makes for for great parenting, no?
Sadly, you'd be surprised the number people I knew in college who used this quite frequently b/c they were too stupid to take their pills/use a condom.
However, I guess it's better than the alternative. I know one girl from HS who used actual abortions as her form of birth control. Seriously.
I'm not opposed to it, and I think it's a good thing to have available.
I do think if you use it often, as your birth control, you should probably have your head examined because numerous friends I know who have taken it said it makes them feel pretty sick. It is a lot of hormones after all - I can see how it would make you feel bad.
At this point in my life, I can't see using it personally, just because we've always been open to an "oops" - hell Jackson was conceived while I was on the mofo pill.
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I've taken it twice, too, back when I was dating someone and living in Greece (it was available there back in 1997) and we had two condoms that broke (I think he was using expired ones in hindsight). I was really grateful for it then, let me tell you.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10) "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Oh, I do have to add that the crazy load of hormones twice in the same month (I think- it was awhile ago, but it was not that far apart) gave me the WORST acne I have ever had. Seriously, not one square inch of my face was pimple-free. It was horrible. So I can't imagine taking it regularly.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10) "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
I know I don't get to plan your life, BUTTTTTT, I am SO SO against YOU taking this morning after pill....
that being said. I am against it. very pro-life. and plus, a girl that I worked with had taken it, only to find out 2 months later she was still pregnant... and now she has an amazing little boy... sometimes things are just out of your hands!!!
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Re: What are your thoughts on the morning after pill?
I can't imagine needing to take it, given that I am in a stable marriage and would be ok with getting pg if it happened.
However, for people who aren;t in a stable relationship, and whose BC failed, I think it is awesome. Condoms break, etc.
I do wonder what % of use is "correct" use and what % is people using it totally wrong. I am hoping that when you get it from a pharmacy the pharmacist tries to make sure you are using it correctly.
ETA: ethically, I am fine with it. I don't think that a few days old embryo (is it even an embryo yet at that point? I am not sure about the correct terminology) is a baby- I think it is a tiny ball of cells. If you take a pill that flushes that tiny ball of cells out, I am fine with that. In fact, it only works if it hasn't implanted yet, right?
This. But I think it's a good idea for those who may have been raped... I'd rather someone take that than have to have an abortion.. less trauma for the woman, I would think.?
This. Isn't should be used habitually because of lack of planning, care, etc. etc. etc.
Do you say this b/c of the impracticality of having to go the pharmacy every time it happens, or is there some judgment against a person who chooses to use the morning after pill on a regular basis? Just curious.
This exactly.
this caught my eye, too. it's more expensive than the pill and inconvenient, but it has (to me) the same moral valence as the Pill
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
I haven't read any research about the MAP, but off the top of my head, I would worry that hitting your body with such a big dose of hormones all at once is probably not something you should do all the time. I assume its safety was approved for occasional use, not as a monthly contraceptive.
Also, it isn't all that effectove compared to BCP, etc, is it? It is great as a back-up since there is only like a 20% chance of getting pg in a given cycle anyway, but to use it as your only contraceptive just seems stupid to me.
My other thought is that if you are going to need BC every month you should plan ahead and get on something long term. Since MAP doesn't protect against STD's, etc, I would hope a person using it is in a stable, LT relationship and not dating around. Thus, I am not sure why you wouldn't plan ahead and take the pill (or an IUD or something).
I understand what you're saying in terms of its impracticality in general, but like momphd said, it IS, in essence, birth control. I'd probably choose to use something less expensive, but eh, if someone wants to be fancy and use the expensive stuff, I don't really see the difference, in "moral" terms, I guess.
89% if used within 72 hours, according to PP. That strikes me as not effective enough to be your only form of BC. And it would be cheaper to just get on a generic pill. Ad prnobably easier on your body. So I just don't relaly understand the benefit of using the MAP regularly, other than poor planning/lack of foresight.
ETA: morally, I agree that it is no different than birth control pills.
what suziemarie said.
IDK, SBDC. I never even said I'm against it. Maybe I would under certain circumstances. This isn't worth arguing about it. Why not just use some planning in advance if you are having to use it month after month after month?
Yea, i have.
Actually, yes. They come to MH over and over and over again. It's more common than you would think.
um. I might be wrong, but I don't think it kills an embryo- I think it prevents implantation from ocurring- ie if you are already pg- it won't work, but if you take it in the appropriate window of time, you won't ever become pregnant.
there's that.
Liam is 5!
I think it's a good option for those whose primary form of birth control fails. HOWEVER, if you're not using birth control (on a regular basis) and turn to the MAP every.single.time you have sex, than you seriously need to think about sterilization. For realsies. Obviously, you don't want to be pregnant and are demonstrating behavior that, IMO, is irresponsible...which makes for for great parenting, no?
Sadly, you'd be surprised the number people I knew in college who used this quite frequently b/c they were too stupid to take their pills/use a condom.
However, I guess it's better than the alternative. I know one girl from HS who used actual abortions as her form of birth control. Seriously.
I'm not opposed to it, and I think it's a good thing to have available.
I do think if you use it often, as your birth control, you should probably have your head examined because numerous friends I know who have taken it said it makes them feel pretty sick. It is a lot of hormones after all - I can see how it would make you feel bad.
At this point in my life, I can't see using it personally, just because we've always been open to an "oops" - hell Jackson was conceived while I was on the mofo pill.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Um yea so I am late... here is my thought...
I know I don't get to plan your life, BUTTTTTT, I am SO SO against YOU taking this morning after pill....
that being said. I am against it. very pro-life. and plus, a girl that I worked with had taken it, only to find out 2 months later she was still pregnant... and now she has an amazing little boy... sometimes things are just out of your hands!!!