I'm tempted to try DD on some formula. So far she's only had BM but I'm feeling the need for a little break in the constant feedings, especially around dinner time when she still seems to want to constantly nurse.
My fear is that I'll like the freedom too much and start giving her more and more feedings of formula instead of just the one. I'm not against formula but I know that supplementing with formula is only going to sabotage my supply and so far things are working fine otherwise in that department and I'd still like to continue nursing otherwise.
So do I give her peas or formula tonight? Has anyone been successful with just ONE formula feeding per day or did it lead to more and more feedings?
Re: Peas or Formula?
She's still young... not even 6 months yet
I would personally just stick with the BFing but then again I am probably not the best person to ask because I never gave my boys formula and am also training to become a Lactation Consultant so I'd say I am pretty biased
If you supplement, you'll need to pump that feed anyway to keep your supply up and that is kind of a pain in the butt. BFing is just much easier, IMO
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
Liam is 5!