
Medela Starter Supplemental Nursing System Sns

Has anyone used this system successfully to supplement?  My LO  (1week adjusted) is having terrible nipple confusion between nursing with a shield and giving her 2 fortified bottles a day.  The doc insists that she have the extra calories, but I'm worried that she will stop nursing altogether, if I don't stop the bottles.  Could I use this system to give her the fortified milk twice a day?   Could using it also possibly help her get on my breast so that I could stop using the shield?  Thanks for any input!  Desperately trying to keep nursing!!

Re: Medela Starter Supplemental Nursing System Sns

  • Ugh I know how you feel. If it were me, I would be tempted to exclusively nurse and just try to do it often and monitor her weight, but i don't know the whole story so that probably is not good advice! I just know how much I struggled with nursing and a decreasing supply.
    Abigail Noelle, 8.29.09
    Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
    Claire Zoe, 10.26.10

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