We are visiting friends this weekend b/c MH is at a bachelor party - anyway, he is just into EVERYTHING here, won't leave the friends' dogs alone, and is just in general being a horrible 3 year old.
I know part of it is that he is in a new place, but he's also just not listening.
And I'm at about my limit of his misbehavior. '
It's so hard being somewhere that is not your home w/ him these days. He's just so curious and pushes EVERY limit.
We're going to a movie in a few hours which I hope helps. AHHHHH.
Re: Ugh, Jackson is driving me NUTS
Oh, I feel your pain!
The limit testing is sooooo obnoxious and challenging (and you're right, it's usually b/c they're so interested in their world, they don't have time to listen to directions!!!) AAGGHHH!!!