I don't post to often... but I wanted to announce that my husband and I became Daddy and Mommy on Friday,12/11/09 to GBG triplets.
Julianna Grace was born on 12/11/09 at 3:44am. 3lbs 5.8oz and 16.25in Charles Henry 4th was born on 12/11/09 at 3:45am. 3lbs 7oz and 16.5in Lilianna Grace was born on 12/11/09 at 3:46am. 2lbs 15oz and 16.25in
They are all doing really well. They were born at 31wd1... I have been in the hospital on bedrest since 28w6d b/c of a compromised cervix... I wascompletely funneled and they didn't want to look for any dilation. I wasn't actively feeling any contraction... just lots of back pain and some cramping... no tightening of my belly. I was showing some mild contraction on Thursday night and they started an IV... they got better, but after an exam by a resident they thought I could have ruptured... so my OB was called in to do an exam... I wasn't ruptured at all, but she decided to check for dilation and discovered I was 6 cms dilated... that happened at 1:30 am... my husband just made it here in time to be by my side for c-section and babies were born starting at 3:44, 3:45 and 3:46... we are so thankful and blessed to have had great medical care. All babies are doing fair... all babies are on CPAP with room air... and baby Charles has Jaundice. They had their first feeding yesterday... I'm so thrilled to be a Mommy to Triplets... they are so beautiful... thanks for reading... any other Triplet Moms have any advice about anything... please feel free to dish it! Don't know how long they will be in the NICU... early prediction is at least 4 weeks. How are all the other pregnant multiple mommy-to-bes doing??? I hope all is well!!! Thanks again for reading!!!
Re: My Triplets are HERE... :)
congratulations, mama! wonderful news that they're doing so well.
i'd guess they'll be home by 36 weeks, so yeah, about four weeks.
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
Prayers that they come home soon!
DS - 40W6D - Oct 2004
DS - 41W4D - March 2007
GGG - 33W6D - July 2008
Congratulations! I hope their NICU stay is short and uneventful.
The Triplet Life Store
Congratulations and I hope that they are home with you before you know it!
Congrats!!!! I am glad everyone is doing well. I don't have any advice yet....except to enjoy every moment - my babies will be 4 weeks on Thursday already, time flies!
I would say 4 weeks is a good estimate...they told me at least a month to possibly their due date. But they are doing so well, they may be home by Christmas..