Baby Names

mj.reilly - You are my kinda girl

 You commented on a post below about liking the name Gray and using Grayson for a girl.  My girl is named Grayson and we call her Gray.  When we are playing it is Gray Gray or Gray girl.  But I love that someone else loves this also.  I got a lot of post on this board before she was born that they didn't like it and maybe use Gracelyn but then it isn't Gray is it and that is what her name is to us...Just want to tell you I feel ya. 

Re: mj.reilly - You are my kinda girl

  • I have liked it from hearing it years ago and thought how great it would be for a boy or girl.  So when we got pregnant we already that was the name. 
  • mine too! (i mean, she's my kinda girl too) since you recommended two of my boys' names in a previous post. :D
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  • ::butting in::

    i love the name Gray.  my cousin is named Gray. it was her given middle name, first name is/was Jennifer, but she has always been called Gray.  and she's a grown woman in her early 40s and it sounds perfectly professional as an adult name. 

  • imageehiwv:

    ::butting in::

    i love the name Gray.  my cousin is named Gray. it was her given middle name, first name is/was Jennifer, but she has always been called Gray.  and she's a grown woman in her early 40s and it sounds perfectly professional as an adult name. 

    That is so great and Your dd is Avery and my dd's first name is Avery.  Avery Grayson.. I guess all of us think a like that like Gray...
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