
angelcare monitor question

For some reason I thought this was wireless.  I didn't know the pad thing connected to the unit by a cord.  It looks like the unit has to sit on a table or something next to the crib in the instruction manual.  We have no room for this.  Are there any work arounds here?  Where do you have your units sitting? 


After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Re: angelcare monitor question

  • We have our units sitting on their crib.  The back part of their crib has a wide enough base for us to do this.  Sure it might not be the best decision, but it works for us and I love this monitor. 
  • in Griffin's room we have a diaper stacker hanging on the side of his crib that we put the monitor in- since we have nothing else around his crib we could put it on... though i suppose you could always sit it on the floor if needed.

    the twins have a toybox between their beds so theirs sit on the top of that.

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  • Thanks.

    I was wondering if we could sit it on the floor, under each crib.  I will have to see if that will work.  We literally have ZERO space next to each crib (or between them).  One buts up against a window and the other against the closet.  Damn small rooms... 

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I think you have to reach it in order to turn it on and off.  So, I wouldn't put it under a crib.  we got a small free floating white shelf ar Target and mounted it on the wall inbetween their cribs, high enough that they won't be able to reach it when standing.
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