
Anyone's dc get rsv?

I'm curious, if your dc got rsv, do you breastfeed?

I was reading that breastfed babies have a lower risk for lower respitory infections.  I'm curious if that would include rsv.


Re: Anyone's dc get rsv?

  • I am a bit skeptical of all these "studies" about BFed babies.  I have friends that have BFed for 1 year and their kids are still always sick.  While DS has been formula fed and only had a sickly bout this fall and it was ear infections, not respitory.

    Others will argue differently, and maybe I am just trying to ease the guilt of not being able to BF, but whatever.

  • Agreed! I have a friend who BF for 14 months and her baby was sick 5 times during that time frame.
    Abigail Noelle, 8.29.09
    Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
    Claire Zoe, 10.26.10

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  • I bf-ed my twins for 7 months (well pumped since we had issues), my one daughter got the synagis shot and she has had RSV twice already!
  • My DS was BF until 16 months, got Synagis, and has not been sick at all. It helps that he is not in group care and is at home with a nanny. 

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