Baby Names

For fun- 26 Names A-Z

Let's spark some creativity here :) If you had to name 26 children (either all boys or all girls or both!) what would the name be? And no cheating to look up names either! 

I'll do boys:

Adam, Burke, Connary, Dylan, Edward, Felix, George, Harrison, Ian, Joplin, Kian, Landon, Michel, Nathaniel, Oliver, Patrick, Quinn, Ryan, Sebastien, Truman, Ulaine, Vaughn, Watson, Xavier, Yosef, Zachariah

Now you! 


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Re: For fun- 26 Names A-Z

  • I could never do this for girls, because I have a really hard time with girls names. So I will try to do boys, but I had to skip U.

    Alfie, Ben, Callum, Duncan, Ellis, Finn, Garrett, Henry, Ian, James, Keir, Landon, Murphy, Nicholas, Oscar, Paul, Quentin, Rafferty, Sebastian, Thomas, Vance, Wes, Xavier, Yates, Zeb

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  • Wow...

    Arden, Bridget, Clara, Drew, Emeline, Finley, Gemma, Hillary, Isolde, Julianna, Kadelyn, Lucinda, Maren, Nyssa, Olive, Penelope, Quinn, Remy, Sabry, Tristan, U?, Vivian, Waverly, X?, Yancey, Zoe

    that was tough

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  • Fun! Hmm can we repeat any of yours? Hopefully yes :) I just left the 3 you said in for U, X and Y because I came up with nothing I liked for those letters!

    Andrew, Benjamin, Caleb, David, Eli, Fletcher, Garrett, Hudson, Isaac, Jacob, Kevin, Logan, Matthew, Noah, Owen, Patrick, Quinn, Ryan, Spencer, Tyler, Ulaine, Vincent, Weston, Xavier, Yosef, Zachary

    ETA Girl List:

    Abigail, Brooklyn, Caroline, Darcy, Emily, Faith, Greta, Hannah, Isabelle, Julianna, Katelyn, Lauren, Molly, Natalie, Olivia, Paige, Quinn, Rowan, Savannah, Tabitha, Una, Vivienne, Whitley, Xyla, Yasmin, Zariah

    Girls were much harder for me!

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    Logan David 03.27.08
    Jacob Riley 05.18.09
    {Member since 2007}
  • Aidan, Benjamin, Connor, Daniel, Evan, Finn, Gavin, Harrison, Ian, Jacob, Kennan, Luke, Max, Nicholas, Owen, Patrick, Quinn (although now I just think of the girl from Glee), Ryan, Scott, Thomas, Ulrich??, Vincent, Wesley, Xavier, You?????, Zane....

     Ok that was way harder than I thought it would be - good thing I don't have to name 26 boys! ...and I even had to use some of your same names for lack of anything else coming to mind!  

  • Oh, I'll do girls since I have nothing but girls name picked out lol.

    Abigail, Bethany, Caroline, Delaney, Elizabeth, Finley, Gabriella, Harper, Isla, Josephine, Katherine, Lachlan, Madeline, Norah, Olivia, Penelope, Quinn, Reese, Sarah, Theresa, Ursala (although, I'd never use it), Victoria, Wren, Xandra (lol, short for Alexanda wouldn't use that either), Yvette, Zarah.  

  • Adam, Blake, Cole, Drew, Evan, Finn, Garrett, Harrison, Ian, Jackson, Killian, Lance, Mason, Nathaniel, Oliver, Preston, Quintin, Ryan, Spencer, Tyler, U???, Vince, Weston, Xander, Y????, Zachary.

    U and Y were super hard for me!!!

  • Guess I'll go for girls names too

    Annabelle, Bella, Catherine, Divia, Eden, Fiona, Giavanna, Hattie, Isadora, Jalena, Kayla, Lilly, Maisie,  Nadia, Odelia, Paige, Quinn, Raven, Sadie, Talia, Uma, Vittoria, Winnie, Xena??, Yvonne, and Zoe

    That was a chalenge

  • I am going to mix girls and boys.

    Amalia, Brianna, Catherine, Deanna, Elena, Francesca, Gabriella, Henry, Ian, James, Katarina, Lucas, Matthew, Natalia, Owen, Patrick, Quinn, Robert, Sarah, Thomas, Urmila, Vanessa, Weston, Xander, Yasmine, Zara

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  • Ok...I'm bored, now I want to try girl names!  Some of these are names I love but DH is not so hot on... (if you noticed that we can't pick a girl name on the poll I posted earlier!)


    Avery, Brynn, Claire, Delaney, Elizabeth, Fiona, Georgia, Hannah, Iliana, Jenna, Kieran, Laynee, Madison, Nicole, Olivia, Paige, Quinley, Reese, Samantha, Taylor, Ursula(??), Violet, Willow, Xandra, Yasmin, Zinnia 

    Ok, so I do love some of those...but some I feel like I made up.  God help any child of mine that needs a name with a U, W, X, Y, or Z..... yikes. 

  • Oh boy...

    Aiden, Brady, Callum, Daniel, Ethan, Finn, George, Hudson, Ian, Jack, Kevin, Luke, Micheal, Noah, Oliver, Patrick, Quincey, Roan, Sebastian, Thomas or Theodore, Ulysseys, Victor, William, Xavier, Zach.

    And girls...

    Aubrey, Brielle, Camille, Delia, Eden, Faith, Gabriella, Haven, Isla, Jillian, Kelly, Lauren, Morgan, Nadia, Opal, Patience, Quinn, Rebecca, Simone, Thea, Una?, Vivienne, Whitney?, Ximena?, Zoe

    That was hard! I know I'm forgetting names that I like a lot too!

  • I'll try girls now....

    Audrey, Bella, Claire, Delaney, Emma, Fiona, Grace, Harper, Isla, Jayce, Kate, Lauren, Megan, Nelle, Olivia, Parker, Quinn, Reese, Selah, Tracy, Uma, Victoria, Whitney, X???, Yolanda, Zoe.  

    I wouldn't actually use some of these names by the way!  

  • Fun! I didn't read others responses but I'll probably repeat some names even so.

    Autumn, Bellatrix, Caleb, Donnabella, Edward, Franklin, Garrett, Hycinthia, Isadora, Josephina, Katherine, Lilianna, Marie, Nathaniel, Ophelia, Penelope, Quinn, Ramon, Summer, Thomas, Ulysses, Victoria, William, Xavier, Y??,Zedidiah.

     Wow! that was hard! I don't think of other names since we are going with all D names!

  • I'll alternate!





























  • Aubrey, Brynn, Carley, Delaney, Eris, Faith, Georgia, Hadley, Iris, Jocelyn, Kate, Linley, McKenna, Nadia, Olive, Piper, Quinn, Remy, Sloane, Talia, Uma, Viv, Wren, Xiomara, Yvette, Zoe

    Avery, Beckett, Chase, Deacon, Evan, Finn, Gabriel, Hudson, Ian, Jack, Kieran, Logan, Miles, Newton, Oliver, Park, Quinn, Remington, Silas, Tucker, Uba, Vail, William, Xander, Yardley, Zane

  • I didn't read anyone pps because I knew I'd have a brain freeze, so probably some are the same in this list of girl names:

    Amelia, Brynn, Chloe, Danica, Elizabeth, Ferina, Gillian, Hanna, Iris, Jillian, Kendis, Lily, Megan, Nora, Olivia, Paige, Quinn, Reese, Samantha, Talisa, Uma, Vivienne, Winona, Xiana, Yvette, Zoe

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  • Aubrey, Brandon, Colton, Dylan, Elizabeth, Harmony, Ian, Jackson, Kaden, Lucas, Micah, Noah, Ondrea, Paxton, Quinten, Ryan, Shaylyn, Treyton, U?, Vivian, Wyatt, Xander, Y?, Zander
  • I'll do girls

    Annabelle, Beatrix, Cordelia, Daphne, Elizabeth, Fiona, Gianna, Hailey, Isla, Josie, Kristin, Lila, Mallory, Natalie, Odette, Penelope, Quinn, Reese, Sienna, Tatum, Ursula, Violet, Willow, Xia, Yolanda, Zoe

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  • Agnes , Bernice , Caroline , Delilah , Elizabeth, Faith , Gavin , Harper, Ida , Justice, Killian , Lillian , Miles , Nevin , Olivia , Poppy , Quentin , River , Sophia , Thurlowe , Uma , Victoria , Willow , Xavier , Yvette , Zoey
  • Ill do girls, but these are just names that come to my head, not ones i would actually use.

    Amelia, Brenna, Cora, Deleaney, Eden, Farrah, Giavannah, Harley, Isolde, Josie, Kendall, Lyric, Marlow,Norah, Oceania, Piper, Quinn, Rebekah, Sadie, Thea, Unity, Veronica, Willa, Xena, Yvonne, Zipporah

  • Annalise, Benjamin, Collin, David, Evelyn, Felicity, Grant, Harriet, Isla, Joselyn, Katherine, Louisa, Meredith, Noelle, ophelia, Patrick, Quinn, Reed, Stella, Thomas, Uma, Violet, William, Xavier, Yasmine, Zachary
  • Annabelle, Beatrice, Charlie, Dash/Dashiell, Ezra, Ford, Georgia, Harper, Indiana, Jack, Kit, Lulu (nickname for Mary Louise), Molly, Nate, Oliver, Poppy, Quinn, Rose, Selah, Thomas, Ulysses, Violet, Wren, Xavier, Yoselin, Zeke
  • Here is my list with both boy and girl names:

    Annabelle,  Brianna, Caleb, Dylan, Emma, Francis, Georgina, Harrison, Ian, Josie, Kurt, Lindsay, Moses, Nathan, Oliver, Penelope, Quinn, Renee, Stephen, Treith, Van, Wyatt, Xavier, Yesica, Zane

    That was hard. 




  • Boys:

    Adam, Bradley, Cole, Dawson, Edward, Frederick, Gavin, Harrison, Ian, Jasper, Kieran, Landon, Miles, Nathaniel, Oz, Preston,  Quentin, Roarke, Simon, Theodore, Uriel, Vincent, William, Xavier, Yered, Zander

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  • Arden (boy), Benjamin, Corinne, Denise, Elizabeth, Frank, Gavin, Hannah, Irina, Joel, Kenton, Lindsay, Mariana, Nadia, Orion, Patrick, Quentin, Raisa, Sarah, Tucker, Ulysses, Violet, Wesley, Xavier, Yuri, Zari
  • Aaliyah, Brooklyn, Cordelia, Darcie, Eliza, Faith, Genevieve, Hope, Isabeau, Jasmine, Katelyn, Layla, Matilda, Nadia, Olivia, Piper, Quinn, Ruby, Sophia, Tessa, Uma, Veronica, Willow, Xena, Yvette, Zara

    Austin, Bradley, Connor, Dean, Eli, Forrest, Gabriel, Harrison, Isaiah, Jericho, Kyle, Leo, Max, Noah, Oliver, Pierce, Quincy, Raffaele, Silas, Tyson, Uriah, Vance, Wesley, Xavier, Yuma, Zane

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  • Boys:
    Alden, Barry, Carl, Devin, Elias, Frank, Gavin, Harley, Isaiah, Jordan, Kirk, Lucas, Malachi, Nathan, Oscar, Peter, Quint, Riley, Silas, Timothy, Uriah, Victor, Whitney, Xavier, Yaron, Zachary

    Allison, Bailey, Caroline, Dara, Esther, Farrah, Georgia, Harlee, Isabella, Josey, Keturah, Layna, Molly, Nora, Olivia, Pheobe, Quenna, Ruth, Sadie, Tressa, Udele, Victoria, Willow, Xenia, Yasmine, Zoey

    Wow, that was hard (especially the girls)

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  • Boys: Abram, Ben, Carl, Derrick, Ephraim, Freddie, Graham, Huck, Isaiah, Jack, Kellan, Liam, Marek, Navid, Owen, Patton, Quinn, Rafe, Scott, Ty, Ulysses, Vin, Wade, Xander, Yaron, Zeke

    Girls: Alba, Brooke, Cordelia, Darcy, Everly, Fiona, Greenlee, Haley, India, Jane, Kate, Libby, Marisol, Naomi, October, Pax, Quinn, Rhiannon, Sawyer, Tam, Ura, Violet, Willow, Xannon, Yelena, Zara

    That was hard! but fun! lol

  • Boys:

    Andrew, Benjamin, Caleb, Duncan, Ethan, Frankie, Gregory, Henry, Isaiah, Jack, Kent, Luke, Micah, Nathan, Oliver, Patrick, Quincy, Raymond, Shawn, Timothy, Urban, Vincent, William, Xander, Yates, Zachary


    Audrey, Bailey, Claire, Danna, Elisabeth, Felicity, Giselle, Holly, Ivy, Johanna, Kathleen, Laura, Meaghan, Nora, Olivia, Patrice, Quinn, Ruth, Sadie, Tessa, Utara, Vivian, Whitley, Xandra, Yvonne, Zabrina

    That was hard, but fun.

    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

  • Funny how for some letters I had several names come in my head, but for others I had to go to and search for ideas. I did mine before I read any of yours, but then going back, I thought, "OH! I like that name better..." lol
    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

  • I played this for a shower game once.  I am ashamed to admit that I forgot to use my DS's name.  whoops!
    Married 9-4-04

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  • How fun! Great idea.

    Alba, Benjamin, Cara, Desmond, Elizabeth, Felicity, Graham, Henry, Isabel, Josephine, Kate, Liam, Miles, Nadia, Oliver, Penelope, Quinn, Ruth, Sophie, Thomas, Uma?, Violet, Wesley, Xavier, Yvonne, Zoe

    S- March 09 E- Feb 12 L- May 15

  • ladies first:

    Adele, Baily, Carly,  Delany, Elizabeth, Finnley, Gabriella, Hannah, Isla, Joanna, Kendra, Lena, McKenna, Norah, Olivia, Penelope, Quinn, Rosaly, Sarah, Tamra, Ursula, Viola, Wilma, no X, Yuna,Zoey



     Adam, Benjamin, Charlie, Devin, Edward, Ferris, Gabriel, Hank, Isaiah, Jackson, Kevin, Logan, Max, Nathan, Oliver, Peter, quentin, Ryan, Samuel, Trevor, U (i got nothing) Vance, William, Xavior, yogi, Zachary


  • I thought this would be a good idea when I was pregnant but found I liked too many names of the same letter so I gave up. Anyway here it goes:


    Alessa, Brenna, Calista, Danica, Elisabeth, Fiona, Gwenyth, Hadley, Isla, Jillian, Katerina, Lorelei, Michaela, Natalia, Olivia, Paige, Quinn, Rhiannon, Samantha, Tierney, Uma, Violet, Willa, Xanthe, Yvette, Zara


    Alexander, Brennan, Christopher, Derek, Eamon, Finn, Gabriel, Henry, Ian, Jameson, Kyle, Leo, Malachy, Nolan, Owen, Patrick, Quincy, Robert, Samuel, Terrence, Ulysses, William, Xavier, Yves, Zachary

    ETA: It's funny how for certain less common initials the same names keep coming up over and over

  • Fun! Let me try...

    Girls: Ava, Brigid, Caroline, Delilah, Evelyn, Fiona, Gianna, Haley, Inga, Jean, Katey, Lillian, Marilyn, Natalia, Ophelia, Penelope, Q?, R?, Sophie, Taylor, U?, Violet, W?, X?, Y?, Zofia

     Boys: Adam, Berand, Carter, David, Eric, Franklin, Grant, Harrison, Ian, Joseph, K?, Leo, Matheu, Noah, Owen, Patrick, Quentin, Robert, Samuel, Thomas, U?, V?, Walter, X?, Y?, Zachary

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  • Boys: Andrew, Blake, Caleb, Dominic, Ethan, Finn, Gavin, Hannan, Isaac, Jordan, Kellen, Landon, Mason, Nathan, orlando, Paul, Quinn, Ryan, Sebastian, Tyler, U? Vin, Wyatt, Xavier, Y? Zack Girls: Anna, Blair, Claire, Dana, Ella, F? Gabriella, Hannah, Isabella, Josie, Kailey, Lena, Marissa, Norah, o? Penny, Quinn, Rachel, Sadie, Tessa, u, Vivienne, W? X? Y? Zoe
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  • Girls: Anika, Bernadette, Cynthia, Dawn, Elenore, Fanchette, Genevieve, Hollis, Isis, Josephette, Kelly, Lynette, Merrik, Noel, Ophelia, Petra, Quinn, Raina, Sedra, Tess, Uli, Vila, Wendy, X?, Yvette, Zeandra

    Boys: August, Bertrand, Clifton, Dean, Ezra, F, Gustav, Holling, Isacc, John, Kane, Lyle, Michael, Nolan, Olivander, Preston, Quinn, Rene, Sean, Trent, U?, Von, Willam, X?, Yoric, Z?

  • Alayne, Bridget, Camille, Dylan, Eden, Fiona, Gwynth, Hayden, Isla, Jayna, Keira, Lorna, Maren, Norah, Olive, Piper, Quinn, Roxy, Stella, Teagan, Uma, Viola, Willa, x?,yvonne, zoey


  • Girls:

    Abigail, Bethany, Catherine, Dahlia, Evelyn, Fiona, Gabriella, Harlow, Iris, Joslyn, Kate, Lena, Myla, Norah, Olivia, Patricia, Quinn, Rebecca, Sloane, Tatiana, Ulee, Violet, Whitney, Xela, Yvonne, Zahra



    Arthur, Broderick, Cooper, Derrick, Edward, Farlow, Garrett, Hayden, Issac, John, Karter, Logan, Marcus, Noah, Oran, Patrick, Quincy, Rowan, Sebastian, Tyler, Uran, Victor, Wallace, Xander, Yoseph, Zane

  • Girls

    Addison, Brianna, chloe, Delaney, Ella, Faith, Gracie, Hadley, I?, Jade, Kaylyn, Lily, Mackenzie, Naomi, Olivia, Paige, Q?, Rae, Sophia, Trista, U?, Victoria, Whitley, X?, Yvonne, Zoe


    Ashton, Blake, Cooper, David, Ethan, Franklin, Grayson, Hunter, Ian, Jayden, Kent, Landon, Michael, Noah, Oliver, Paxton, Quinton, Riley, Stanley, Tyler, U?, Van, Wyatt, X?, Y?, Zachary


    Wow that was hard.

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  • Ashton, Brennan, Carter, Derek, Emmett, Finn, Greyson, Haydon, Ian, Jack, Kolby, Luca, Max, Oliver, Parker, Quinton, Rolland, Seth, Trevor, Urich?, Vincent, Will, Xavier, Yule?, Zander.


    Alexie, Brynlie, Callie, Derrian, Ellie, Finley, Gabriella, Halle, ilena, Jaelyn, Kaia, Lauren, Maia, Natalie, Olivia, Payton, Quinn, Raigen, Sadie, Trenadie, Una?, Vallery, Wendy, Xena, Yasmine, Zoey.

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