I left my drink sitting here while I went to do laundry. Dumb mistake on my part, as Maile loves to jump up here and see what's sitting around the desk. I was doing laundry, and she managed to walk past me with my drink without me noticing (I should have noticed she wasn't trying to shove things in the dryer), climbed onto the toilet, then onto the sink, and started to drink my drink. She was awfully offended that I took it away from her. I did stop long enough to get a picture with my phone!
Driving 30 minutes each way to get the card so I could buy this drink proved to be a very bad choice! The girls got a nap and are still going strong, and Ethan's been asleep since about 6:45, so he'll be up early in the morning. Bad choice, Erin! And now, Maile got some caffeine.
Re: This sums up my day