
How many baby clothes did you bring to hospital w/ you?

This is probably a silly question, but I am just starting to wonder how many baby clothes do I need to bring with us to the hospital.  We are having a c-section so we will be there for a few days.  I originally only packed their going home outfit but do I need an outfit for each day, or do they give them things to wear?  This first time Momma is confused!  

Re: How many baby clothes did you bring to hospital w/ you?

  • With my DS I only packed a coming home outfit. The hospital provides everything you need--side snapping shirts, diapers, swaddling receiving blankets, a cap, etc. I just had him in that until we left to go home, then I put him in an outfit.

    If you prefer having them in something cuter, you could bring a few outfits. The hospital shirts are just white. But, personally, I say save the laundry for later! You'll have plenty of time to go through clothes :).

  • I just had two coming home outfits packed for each baby--one in preemie size and one in newborn.  Even if you are confident in the sizing, I highly recommend two for each since one DD had a massive exorcist spit-up right when we got her dressed in her first outfit.  If we didn't have an extra, she would have gone home in a hospital issue shirt! :-)  The hospital does provide everything you need for the baby while you're there. 
    2004-Started TTC; Nov 2007-Lap with endo removed; Jan 2008-Ectopic (mtx); April 2008-IVF #1 (bfp, twin girls); March 2011-FET (cp); June 2012-IVF #2 (bfp, singleton, EDD 3-19-12)

    ***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***

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  • I was planning to bring just their coming home outfits (which will just be cute sleepers).  They are newborn sized, but I should probably get them something preemie sized as well, just in case.

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Our hospital provided the white shirts, blankets, and caps. We could have put them in their clothes, but we didn't; we just brought the sleepers that they came home in.
    Our Blog TTC since 10/2004 Follistim+Ovidril+Metformin=BFP on 12/8/08 2 heartbeats-12/30/08 Betas- 10DPO-104 12DPO-274 Photobucket Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • The only thing I brought were going home outfits, two in premie and two in newborn size. 

    While there they wore what the hospital provided, white long sleeve tshirts and daipers.  The room was really warm and they double swaddled them pretty much all the time.  They prefer you to keep them in just the tshirt because it's easier for diaper changes and for them to check their vitals.  Not only that, when they take their temp they know what it should be with just the tshirt on and not because they were in something warmer that you brought.  Keep in mind too that the first few days they poop-all-the-time and being new parents we got poop on EVERYTHING.  This way it was all their stuff, we'd just strip em and get new of everything.  That miconin (sp?) poop is naaasty. 

  • You don't need to take anything.  We like to have our babies in their own clothes in the hospital (did with DS1 also).  We originally took 1 sleeper per baby per day plus 1 onesie per baby per day, and 1 Swaddle Me per baby.  It sounds like a lot, but I packed for myself very light, and baby clothes are so tiny.  DH brought a few extra things up this morning (onesies) because one of our boys had peed on his clothes during a diaper change.  I debated not taking any clothes so that it would be less laundry, but they outgrow things so quickly, I wanted to get as much use out of their clothes as possible (especially since this is my last pg and won't get to dress another baby in the clothes again).
  • We just had clothes to take them home in.  We had a set in preemie and a set in newborn sizes.  They just hung out in the hospital clothes while we were there.  They were swaddled most of the time anyway so you couldn't really tell what they were wearing anyway.
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