Ever since having BD and moving an hour away, my BFF & I haven't been as close. She is still living the young, single life and I live in toddlerville. She's always been very very selfish, so this shouldn't come as any surprise, but I'm still mad.
So I'm having a few people over tomorrow night. I emailed/texted very informal invites 2 weeks ago. Everyone else has responded that either they are coming or that they already had plans. Someone even responded that it's a too far for them and they have plans on Sunday so they couldn't sleep over anyway (which I'm totally cool with and completely understand).
I txt BFF yesterday with "Hope to see you Sat! You're coming, right?" And she responds "I'm not sure yet"
I think that means that she is waiting to see if something better comes along for Sat night... I'm not sure how to even call her out on it... Again, we're not very close anymore, but I'm still hurt. She had 2 BBQs this summer that we went too - of course we went to them, you know?
ugh - sorry long vent
I have a 'friend' who does that too....
Is the party a grown-up party or one for your kid(s)? If it's a kid's party, I would try not to get too worked up over it. Some of my friends are really good about coming to the kid's stuff but it's because they *want* to be there and I know that. The ones who don't want to be there don't come and while it miffs me a bit, I understand.
If its an adult party, I'd be pretty hurt, too:( I tried to implement a girls-night-in with my gf's last year and no one came. They know how hard it is for me to get out, especially as often as they do. I tried to arrange something so we could spend time together in a way that was conducive to my lifestyle and they weren't interested. Whateves. I stopped buying them b-day gifts if I wasn't going to go out for their birthday, so I figure we're even now;)
Ultimately, if the friendship is worth it, you'll both figure out a way to maintain it somehow. Just like romantic love, platonic love ebbs and flows and there will be times when your relationship with your friends seems like too much work for too little reward. You need these people in your life, so don't give up. Just figure it out as you go along.